"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

Monday, August 23


Coming soon is our Family Maui trip re-cap!
There are SO many photos of the trip that I love, it may end up being the worlds longest post, or maybe I will have to break it down into parts....but all will have to wait, since I came home with a bad cold! Hopefuly it will be up soon! : )
Hope everyones Summer is wraping up well!!
How excited are we for the Fall? I know I am! : )

Thursday, August 12

World of Color round 2

This past Tues. night we went to see World of Color with my Mom, Sister and her boyfriend Grant (we missed Dad, who had Bishop stuff he had to tend to) : ). It was a really fun night! I had made World of Color dining reservations for all of us at 'Arial's Grotto', a restaurant on the water at Disney's California Adventure. It was so fun, we could hear and see a lot of the rides from our table and had A LOT of really good food! : )
Our waiter brought us two of these wonderful little trays of World of Color desserts...
(The World of Color film strip was made of white chocolate, and was yummy!) : )
...and we all had some fun with the little chocolate cups! : )
After a great meal we grabbed our "preferred viewing" passes and headed over to watch the show!

Mmmmm....glowing cotton candy at the 'GlowFest' street party! : )
Every once in awhile when we are at the parks Brody surprises me with one of these light up roses! I love them!! And still have the one from one of our first dates. : )
F is for Foy
....and Fun, which is fitting, because it really was such a fun night!! : )

Monday, August 9

The OC Fair

For a little date night this past Saturday, we thought we would check out the Orange County fair since it is our year to go. We seemed to have formed a habit of going every other year. So we were joking around that this is our year to go and we have to keep up with tradition. : )
We also followed signs for free parking and shuttle from the South Coast area to the Fair. It was great and so much easier than paying to park and have to fight the fair traffic.
I have never seen the pig races, so we headed back to the farm to watch them. It was so fun to watch. These little pigs were very enthusiastic about running around that track for their food! :) It was really cute!
On the way out, they gave us all coupons for free bacon......ya......that seemed a bit wrong, but we do love bacon! : )
(below is Brody's "sad face" about free bacon after just watching the pigs...but it looks like hes about to smile....haha)
When you think of the fair, you think of the food. We didn't go too crazy or eat any crazy deep fried things, but we did have some great BBQ!
But we should have guessed that the portions would be HUGE! I had what seemed like over half of a chicken on my plate. Summer after next, we will have to share a plate. ; )
This face painter has been at the fair FOREVER! My friends and I used to get our faces painted by him every time we went, since we were in the single digits. He was MIA for a bit though. So when he appeared again, I had to get a small one for old times sake. : )
Then we headed over to watch all the guys from the X Games turn some tricks.
That was pretty fun to see, I have never seen this live.
When I heard that the fair was selling Deep Fried Butter, I was sure it was some sort of horrible rumor.....but no, it was real, and we were not brave enough to try it! : ) They also had chocolate covered bacon and a deep fried Krispy Kreme Donut Chicken Sandwich. (I think I need some Pepto just typing that last one out) ; )
We settled for sharing a cinnamon roll with cream cheese frosting. It was the best cinnamon roll I have ever had!! I need to learn how to make a roll like that. : )
We had a great time just strolling around the fair, looking at all the sights and sounds. Looking at the cute animals and all the crazy people the trust the big scary fair rides!
...and of course you have to take a trip to the photo booths!
We love those, they are a lot of fun! : )
It was a great night at the fair!!

Saturday, August 7

Our Endless Summer

We have had many nights so far this summer relaxing at San Onofre beach with this view.
Could life get much better? Nope!
This is the first Summer that we haven't always been on-the-go, and we are loving it!! We keep thinking about little trips we could do, but end up putting them off. We are just loving our slow paced, low key Summer too much!
{ happy sigh } : )

Shake Shack Saturday

We had a blast last Satuerday meeting up with Camille and Jeff at the Ruby's Shake Shack above Crystal Cove, for one of the last times before they moved. We are so happy for them and hope that they love their time in their new home and that Jeff will love his new job.....but also hope that they move back sooner than later. We will sure miss having them close by! But will for sure make the trip up to visit when we can. It's worth it for such great people! : )

Gabby had a great time, trying out all our shakes and our sunglasses! : ) She sure is a lot of fun to be around!
See you guys soon!! We love you and wish you all the best!

America's got talent

Last week my Mom and I were invited by our family friend Jill Money to go to LA to be a part of the live taping of 'Americas Got Talent' at the CBS studios (even though it is shown on...I think NBC). We had never watched the show and didn't really know what to expect. It was pretty entertaining and it is just always fun to be in LA at the studios!
A couple things we learned watching the live taping:
1. The stage/studio it is filmed in looks much bigger on TV : )
2. They tell you when, how long and how loud to clap or make noise.
3. The time seemed to go much faster watching it live, than on TV.
After the show we walked over to The Grove and had a really nice dinner at this beautiful Italian place, where we ate outside watching all the hustle and bustle of The Grove. It was a really fun day!