"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, March 30

+Happy Birthday Puppy!!

This past Saturday was Brody's Birthday.......
and what do you get a guy who works so hard 24/7, between work & finishing up school......
surprising him with a little R&R get-a-way in 'Our City', San Diego!

The goal....to pretty much do nothing but relax and have fun (although he did work on the drive down there and saw an account once we got there....haha)!

It had all the makings of a great Birthday weekend get-a-way:

A stop at the Carlsbad Outlets to look around and have a little lunch at Rubio's...
(We could see the flower fields (that we went to last year) from were we ate---they are almost in full bloom and so beautiful... : )

Lounging around by the pool, swimming, reading magazines, and just having fun for hours till it was time to get ready and hit the town for dinner... The pool area was perfect! This Hilton in the Gaslamp, was more of a business hotel so we had the pool area pretty much all to ourselves....and the couple in the photo, who stayed for a little bit. The hotel had these over sized lounge chairs that were SO comfy, made it easy to just hang out...

Doing some shopping and restaurant hunting for dinner...

Finding a great little pizza and pasta joint called {'Sloppy Joeys'}...we're suckers for a place where we can eat outside on the patio---and it was sooooooo good

Relaxing by an outdoor fireplace at a nice hotel that is right next door to our favorite street...
Discovering our new favorite place to get breakfast when we are in town...
this place was awesome! The food was SO SO good, and they are open all day and late serving breakfast. So there is always syrup on the tables---two kinds too, in case you prefer one over the other : )

(Our table)

Getting to explore Petco Park on our own...there was a science fair at 'The Park at The Park', and most of the stadium was open to look around in. : )

Spending the most beautiful day in Coronado...

The sand was so white and so very soft
A unique Birthday card...
Sealed with a kiss! : )

We couldn't get over how pretty this beach was, and how we felt like we farther away from home than we really were.

Pelicans flying really low over the waves.....so pretty!
The beach was covered in this sand that just glittered in the sunlight

Enjoying nature & some tide pools...how pretty is that shell on the right!?

Discovering the worlds best burger... at the Coronado Hotel's Sun Deck. I don't think we ever ate indoors. : )

Capping off a perfect weekend with dinner at Duke's...in Huntington Beach with my parents. Having some Birthday Hula Pie.
The beautiful veiw of the sunset from our table : )
Happy Birthday Loves!!!!
I love you and am so very grateful for all you do!
It was such a great weekend, and turned out even better than we were looking forward to. We can't wait till our next little get-a-way to 'Our City'! : )

Monday, March 22

The Getty!

We had a blast Saturday! We woke up and decided to check off something we have been wanting to do for a loooong time (I have been, but we have never gone together).....
The Getty
When you get off the freeway you are routed to park in a parking structure and then take this tram up the hill to the museum...
It was such a gorgeous day to be there, and explore the grounds.
This is a great water feature.....the water comes down this long path (as shown in the photo below this photo), and then drips down to the 2nd floor. : )
We loved discovering all the little touches The Getty had to offer.

Mapping out our route : )
At the entrance to the photography exhibit was this very large horse, that we had to get a photo of.

The inside of The Getty was just beautiful and brought us back to our museum visits from our trips to Europe!
There were so many chances to go outside and enjoy the amazing view! I think we must have gone outside about 5 times from all sorts of angles to see what we could see. : )

Westwood and Downtown LA in the fuzzy background : )
Just a few of my favorite painting sightings were these 3 below:

Van Gogh

It was such a beautiful day, we keep going outside to be in the sun--and it was very very sunny! : ) We loved our time at the Getty and are so excited to go back and see the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit that opens this week!!
After we left The Getty, Brody wanted to take me to an Argentine restaurant that he discovered one day while working in LA. Of course it would catch his eye since he served his mission in Argentina!
This great little place called 'LA LA's' in West Hollywood. It was such a nice place, with great fresh and flavorful foods, at a reasonable price! It was really fun to try some of Brody's favorite foods from his mission! : )
As we walked in there was a notice of filming taking place at some point that day, although we never saw anything---it's just that fun vibe LA has. : )
Below is a photo I took from my phone from our table : ) We love all these great restaurants in LA that are much more like cafes you would find in Europe.

Homemade Dulce de leche Flan....this was amazing!! : )
It was SUCH a wonderful day!! I love our random fun adventures!! : )