"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

Tuesday, March 31

Happy Birthday Brody!!

Brodys Birthday was last week & it was his "Golden Birthday"(as they say, I guess) he was 27 on the 27th! =) I had a blast making sure it was special & surprising him along the way!
I had way too much fun making him this cake, he didn't know anything about the it until we were ready to sing---We asked him if he knew what it was, and RIGHT away he recognized it as the 18th hole at Pebble Beach! When he knew right off the bat that it was I almost fell over!! I guess I did a pretty good job keeping to the map of the hole! =) Brody has been to Pebble with his family & Brody and I spent a while on this hole last summer, so it was fun to do something personal for him that he loves so much! Also, he showed a photo of it to our friend Mike, and he also knew right away that it was Pebble! =)

Since Disneyland is doing the "Free on your Birthday" promo, we couldn't pass up a free $70 gift card!
Brody with his Birthday Fun Card, ready to get some gifts! He ended up getting a really cool Quicksilver backpack and Hurley board shorts. =)
Oh, I also surprised him that morning with reservations for the 'Minnie and Friends Breakfast in the park"! It is at the Plaza Inn and they have a huge all you can eat breakfast buffet with Disney characters walking around and you can get some photos with them. It is really fun, and the food is sooooo good!

=D I had no idea Chip was behind me putting bunny ears up! Apparently he was doing moose ears and such too...They like to goof around! =)
We Love Tiger!

We had such a fun afternoon, it was such a nice sunny day!! It was a blast!! =)
After we got back from Disneyland Brody meet up with Mike at the driving range and then we all went out to dinner!
It was a such fun Birthday!! =)
For more Birthday photos go {Here}

Sunday, March 22

Weekend with family...

This past week Brody's uncle Tom had a heart attack, that sadly he will not recover from--he will be greatly missed and we love him & Arabelle very much! We have spent some time this week in Palm Desert with family---and some family we have not seen in a couple years! It was so fun to see and spend time with everyone and remember/share stories of Uncle Tom. We went out once with Brooks and Nikki and spent time with everyone, which was fun! We also went out yesterday and ended up staying the night--It was so great to re-connect with family...it had been too long!
Johne, Aimme (Johne's wife)& Brody hanging out in the pool

Kiefer & Brody goofing off =)
...leaving to get ready for dinner
(photo from our room)

We all went out to dinner and Alison let the waiter know that it was Brody birthday (well in the 27th)--and he got this fried ice cream....oh, and they sang to him! =)

We took a little walk that night...it was really pretty at night too!
Kiefer-Brody-Me-Aimme-Johne =)
Kiefer, Arabelle, Brody, Me, Aimme, Johne, Alison
On the way home Brody stopped to pick me some flowers on the side of the freeway...which was really cute =)

For more photos of the weekend go {Here}

Sunday, March 15

Utah here we come!

Cars, rides & Gabby...

We had such a fun Saturday!! First Brody got up nice and early and played soccer with the ward for a couple hours. Then we hopped in my little wagon and took it over to my parents house for some check-ups---the guys ended up doing a full detailing job on it!! They worked so hard & my car looks amazing, it feels like new! Thank you again!! =)

After all that work it was time for a nice afternoon nap! =)
After naps we were off to Disneyland for date night! We ate at the Plaza Inn, and then went on Jungle Cruise (mostly because we have never been on it while it was still light out).

The whole park is all decked out for celebrating (Birthdays, etc...)!
....but the best part of our day was after a couple more rides we got the word that Camille had Gabby and was ready for visitors!!! We raced out of Disneyland and on our way to see Camille, Jeff and cute little Gabby!
And here she is!!! Isn't she cute (just hours old)!
She was 7 pounds 14oz and 20.5 inches of fun to hold!!!
Me & Gabby!
We had so much fun hanging out with them! Brody took Jeff out for some Dinner (since he hadn't eaten since before noon) and we all hung out till almost midnight! =)
Here are the guys celebrating with some See's Choc-gars (I don't know if that is what they are really called, but they are chocolate cigars)! =)
We just couldn't be happier for these two!! =) We love you guys!!

Sunday, March 8

Here comes the sun!!

We got a little taste of summer this weekend, and we are hooked! Brody is taking some time off from the indoor soccer world, but is still playing with the ward on Saturday mornings, and loves it!
Now that we have Saturdays wide open we have been talking about all the things we would love to do---and this Saturday we ended up at Balboa Island!

We ate at Picante Martin's--an all time fav! It was so crowded that we got it to go and ate it out in the sun! =)
Walking by Dad's we couldn't resist the opportunity to munch on some hippos!
We took a nice leisurely walk around the Island and came across this guy who had some beautiful paintings of the Island. It was really fun to look at his work!
It was such a beautiful day!! We stopped many times and just enjoyed our surroundings, we even went down a little pier!
When we came to the ferry, we hopped on!

Ended up in the Fun Zone...
and played some ski ball! =)

After playing around on Fun Zone side of things, we headed back to Balboa! =)

It was such a blast just being out in the sun enjoying the beautiful area we live in!! We are looking forward to summer (or at lest more nice sunny days) and many more fun outings! =)
Oh, on Friday Brody & Mike went to the PGA Toshiba Classic in Newport (and got on TV =) )---while he was there and after I got home from work, I got an itch to re-do a corner of our bedroom! This is where our desk and computer used to be and when we moved it out to the front room, this area needed some help! So I taped it off and did a little make-over!
The lines aren't perfect, but it's close enough =)....
I love it so much!! It was so fun to do!
Also, on Saturday night we had the opportunity to chaperon the Irvine Stake youth dance! We did this about a year ago, and we always have a lot of fun doing it! We ran into a lot of the youth we know, including the kids of the lady who runs the indoor soccer Brody was in, and they really wanted him to come back and play! =)
We busted a lot of gum chewers, headed band wearers and bare footers, hung out with friends, danced, and I made up a new dance move called "The Putt"! It was a lot of fun and brought back a lot of memories of when we used to go to Irvine Dances (including a couple years of Brody and I going to these dances at the same time and never knowing it!) =)