"You will have significant experiences. I hope that you will write them down and keep record of them, that you will read them from time to time and refresh your memory of those meaningful and significant things. Some may be funny. Some may be significant only to you. Some of them may be sacred and quietly beautiful. Some may build one upon another until they represent a lifetime of special experiences."
-Gordon B. Hinckley

Saturday, December 27


For years and years we have driven around our neighborhood, picked out our favorite Christmas light displays and on Christmas eve we give them awards (anonymously). It is so much fun---some years they will hang them on their windows to show off their award!
Lauren dropping off one of the awards...

After we opened gifts we went over the the Money's house for a beautiful and delicious Christmas brunch!!
Some California snow on Christmas day! Rain...=)
Trying out the new Hot Chocolate maker---it is so great!
Playing with the new Helicopters--they fight and shoot the other out of the sky
We are SO excited about our ipod touches! This was our big gift to each other, we also ended up giving each other gift cards for itunes with out knowing it! =) These things are SO much fun, its like having the iphone, with out having to get it---It does SO much! =)
Lauren and Brody playing a little Guitar Hero =)
Later that night my Mom, Brody and I were in search for some good Christmas lights...and since we all have passes....we ended up at Disneyland and we were just in time for the show and the snow! =)

Since I was only prepared to drive around looking at lights, I was wearing my rainbows---my feet got so cold I had to stand on a light in the ground at Disneyland---it worked really well! =)

Last but not lest---our new and improved Hot Chocolate maker! Thank you again Mom and Dad, we love it!! We have some mixing away right now! =)
We had such a fun Christmas! Full of Fun, Family and Friends...what more could you ask for? Now we look forward with excitement and hope to a new year!  We hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Christmas! =)

Monday, December 22

Christmas greetings from Arizona!

Since we were not able to make it to Arizona this Thanksgiving, and we wanted to spend time with Brody's parents before the holidays flew by, we took a little road trip out there this past weekend to see them! It was so much fun and we are so glad we were able to go!
On Saturday after we all took a very successful shopping trip, Brody and I went to the near by Golf course and were able to get in 12 holes starting at about 3pm! Well Brody played 12, and I snuck in 3 (since we didn't pay for me that's all I did), It was my first time hitting on a course and I LOVED it! It was so much fun!---but I didn't give up the other thing I love to do on the course....take lot's of photos! Golf courses are so beautiful, and I just love taking fun shots! (Bare with me, this post has a lot of photos)

Rainbows, the official footwear of golf! =)

On the last hole Brody hit it so hard it got stuck in the grass on the side of this little hill right behind the flag.
The nice dent it made!
The Mesa Temple---We set the timer. I think it worked pretty well! We set it on one of the walkway lights =)
After we walked the grounds we spent some time in the visitors center and they had this neat display of Nativity sets from all around the world....they must have had over 30 of them.
(London, England)
Sunday night after dinner we did a little early Christmas---and we were (totally) surprised with a Wii Fit! Brody had already gotten a nice new suit and I got pampered with Bobbi Brown make-up, so it was such a fun surprise to open this up!---And we have already played with it! It was so much fun!! .....Thank you again!! =)
....We also go to be there when the Slot Cars were opened! =)
After we opened presents we went to the Mesa Temple to look at all the Christmas lights!
It was like Temple Square in Salt Lake...there were lights everywhere! It was so pretty!

We all stepped into the visitors center....to....I think get warm (But maybe since I was cold, that's why I was excited to go in) =) And while we were in there, we saw a Sister missionary struggling to speak with a small group of men who only spoke Spanish (well VERY broken English). Brody offered to help her out, and she was so happy to have the help! They all ended up talking for several minutes, and I just loved it! Hearing him speak Spanish to them, it gave me a little glimpse of what his mission was like! One of them was a member and the other two were investigators, and very enthusiastic about it too! It was so fun! They did a lot of laughing...but somehow I did not capture those moments....=)
This morning before we left, we got to set up the slot cars! =)
The cars went so fast, they are a blur! =)

This street on the drive....some where in AZ, 'Sore Finger' always makes us laugh...
It was such a fun trip & a great way to kick of the Christmas week! Thank you again for everything, we love you! =)

With Christmas this week (it snuck up SO fast), we hope everyone has a fun and safe Christmas!! =)....Merry Christmas!!

Saturday, December 20


This past Thursday us girls had the rare opportunity to get together for lunch! With Malia living in Hawaii, we were so excited to finally spend time together! I love these girls! I love that we have been best friends since we were in the single digits and now we are slowly creeping up on 30 (I still can't believe that!), married and starting our families!! We have been through elementary, high school, Girls Camps, Youth Conferences, countless dances, so much boy stuff, driving, weddings and so much more together! We have had some priceless-ly fun times (I'm sure that phrase makes sense) =) I could not have asked for better friends to grow up with, and I am so grateful that we have remained close for all these years! I can't wait to see what the future has in store for all of us, and all the fun memories we will continue to make! =)
We had an interesting time (Full of laughing so hard it was hard to take a photo at times) trying to take photos of ourselves, and since Malia is now such a pro she did a little photo shoot with Camille and I...and then Brody and I. If she posts them on her Photography blog I will post a link to them! =)
Love you girls! Thank you for a fun day!

Also, That night Brody and I went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner, and got to watch some of the boat parade! It was so much fun, and such a great way to watch it! =)

Wednesday, December 17

Celebrate the small things

Yesterday was Brody's last day of the semester....and we decided to celebrate!

I surprised him with 'Congratulations brownies'
And where do we go to celebrate?.....Disneyland of course! =)
We got to see the new firework show "Believe in Holiday Magic", and to our surprise we finally got to see it "snow"! Every year we miss it (we are normally are on rides while everyone else is watching the show)---and we were sure we missed it last night too---but after the show it was a blizzard back by Small World! We loved it!!
The snow, with "It's a small world" behind it

Here is a little video of the Christmas firework show!

It was a fun night---we will take any chance to go to Disneyland this time of year! And we are all so proud of Brody's hard work! =)