Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 23, 2010

Jaina Lilly

Jaina Lilly Johnson was born on August 12, 2010 at 1:24pm. She weighed in at 6 lb 9 oz and 20 inches long.
Here is one of the last pics of us before she came to meet her daddy :)
Here she is at the hospital. 1 day old.
These are a couple pics from her newborn shoot. I am absolutely in love with them!
It is amazing how she has just completed our family! Her brothers and sister love her so much. Jaide can't walk by her without kissing her head and Saige always wants to hold her and love on her. Jaide can even say Jaina (which is so cute by the way). Raiden is so concerned about her umbilical stump and says, "Oh no! Her has an owie on her stomach!" He always asks if it hurts.

We are so in love with her! Our family is complete!

So much to catch up on!

I will get everything posted.. eventually... and really out of order too ;)

Here is a list of things that will be coming up (hopefully soon.. hehe):

Saige's preschool graduation (that is from May, but I promised it would be on here, so better late than never!)

24th of July

Summer Fun

Jaina Lilly

Our family pictures and my only maternity pics ever.

and probably some other stuff.... we'll see.