Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 21, 2009

pictures... FINALLY!

SO.... I finally got all the pictures from my camera transferred to my computer... Here are some of the things we've been up to.

:) ...... ENJOY ...... (:

This is Saige playing his 'cow-man'. Brock made him a Tauren Death Knight (which starts at level 55... so he wouldn't die so much). Being able to play like Daddy has him really trying to be a big boy and he is doing so good at the whole potty thing now.

Ah.. Naptime. I love when they all sleep at the same time. It doesn't happen often, but I love it. Aren't they adorable ;)

Saige sleeps in such random positions. Sometimes I just crack up when I check on him at night.

This is Saige about a week before his haircut. I miss his long hair, but I'm so glad his bangs aren't that long anymore.

Raiden loves pasta. He is getting so big, and he is a pro with a fork now.

Raiden likes to try to teach Jaide everything he does. He was trying to teach her how to jump like a frog here.... how cute!

Saige.. need I say more? HA!

Saige on the 24th of July. We were decorating the truck for Redmond Irrigation. He helped throw candy in the parade. I should have gotten pictures of that!

Raiden loved all the little flags. This was helping decorate for the 24th.

Raiden being.... Raiden?

4th of July... we were waiting for the parade to start and Saige and Raiden ran off. Raiden was playing with this little girl until she saw Saige... apparently she likes the older boys :)

Raiden during one of the many 'breaks' in the Gunnison parade.

Fireworks at Papa's house on the 3rd. Raiden started a small fire...

Raiden at the parade in Manti on the 3rd.

Saige with a sparkler at Papa's.

Jaide and Maama waiting for the parade in Manti to start. Jaide was being so cute and giggly.

The boys playing with at Aunt Nikki (also while waiting for the Manti parade)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My kids are AWESOME!

I've always known that my kids are cool. Saige and Raiden can always make me smile (even when they are getting in trouble). Today Saige asked if we could go rent a movie, so I said, "sure." I gave Saige and Raiden both a nickel and off they went. They picked out candies cause they had 'monies'. Raiden was trying to persuade someone to open his candy while Saige picked out his movie..... He picked 'Power Rangers'. He actually picked out a movie that me and Brock both used to watch ALOT! We are now watching the good power rangers (you know, the one with the Ooze guy). Saige is sitting watching the movie while Raiden is being his crazy self. Apparently Jaide just did something horribly wrong... Raiden is over there, "NO NO JAIDE.. That not yours, it MINE!" (He's shaking his finger at her and everything.. haha) What silly kids I have.