Sunday, August 9, 2015

Christmas Memories 2014

Morgan was able to join us for the Holiday's this year! He was very kind and brought the kids rocking horses!
Love this cheeky little pup.
Cassie was generous enough to share her incredible photography talents with us by taking the family picture at a mall in SLC.  They turned out really beautiful.
The kids having a good time before pics.

Not sure what's going on here, I have a suspicion that he got my camera and is taking a selfie.
Building a snow cave at mom and dad's house! The kids were in heaven.  My dad got out the 4-wheelers and drug the kids behind him with sleds.  Such a fun crowd!
Dinner of champions at G & G West's!
All of the cousins.  There was some drama going on upstairs, so we took the party in the basement and Leah and I ran minute to win-it games with the kids!

On New Years Eve, we had fireworks for the kids, it was really fun.

Such a fabulous little man. love him.
When the kids went to bed we had a white elephant gift party for the adults. I have not laughed so much in a long time! 
Handsome husband.
One of our gifts!

Later in the week we took the kids to Classic Fun Center and played laser tag, jumped on bouncy houses, and climbed up the pirate cove.  The kids were loving life.

Love these boys
The buddies, Gage, Deak, and Dillon sleeping together in Grandma's Bear room.

Fall 2014

Well, this is the look of "I'm in trouble."  Deakin kept throwing Mila's bone under the tree to see her dig around, which he thought was hilarious.  The last time, didn't end up so well for the tree.

Some of my favorite people reading their scriptures before bed.
Our Beautiful pooch, Mila 2 years old.
For one of Deakin's preschool field trips they went to the courthouse, for the letter C.  He is holding hands with his current bestie, Ryker Anderson.
Here are most of the kids from his preschool this year: Evee Bennett, McKenzie Cabral, Ryker Anderson, not here: Caden Kohler, and our cousin Eli.
Deakin getting to sit in the Judges chair!
Deakin and Ryker getting to meet Judge Noonan.  I told him this better be the first and last time that he is seen with a Judge!
Cute brothers; Dillon reading to Dillon.  I love how they sit together while watching television or reading.  It will be sad when they get too big to share the LazyBoy.
Well, we have not begun building the basement yet, but I did put together a mini home gym, that I have been loving.  Branson gave us an old television that they were not using, and I have been watching television series while getting my workout on!  Love that it is in the basement and not having to get ready and drive to a gym!
We made a project for Thanksgiving.  We laminated turkeys, leaves, and other fallish things and then we hung them all over the house after writing things we are thankful for.
Deakin sleeping with me! Love that he is still little enough to snuggle with me.
Dillon's second grade class presented a day to recognize our local hero's.  He was able to put pictures of his uncle Ty, and his great grandfather Brown who served our country in a slide show while the school sang songs as a tribute.

The kids went around and gave roses out to veterans, it was really touching.
Here is a picture of Tyrell as the kids were singing.
Here is a picture of Marriner Brown as the children were singing.  Dillon was beaming with pride, telling all of his friends how he is named after him.
Smokey the bear came to Dillon's school 2014 warning them about fire safety.
And Daddy showed up to Dillon's school, and man, was Dillon happy and proud to see him.
Deakin and his friend Evee Bennett reading books and snuggling together.
One of the boys favorite things to do currently is to go to the trampoline parks. We have a couple in Provo/Orem area that they love.  This was when Dillon turned eight, and Grandpa and Grandma West took Dillon for his over-nighter with them, so we did some fun things with Deakin so he wouldn't feel too bad.
Deakin cut his own hair, and got in trouble. Oopsie. He is crying because there was a comment about people thinking he looks funny, vain little kid.
Deakin at preschool at our house.  They were making turkeys out of gummy things. Deakin looking particularly dashing!
This is an image of Dillon about to touch Grandma and Grandpa West's electric fence.  Unfortunately it was turned down quite a bit, so it wasn't quite the shock we were thinking!  He was pretty brave though.
We met my mom's brother, uncle Steve and his family at the Living Planet Aquarium. Taylor being a weirdo.
Deakin being a little poser.

And, our cute little Dillon posing as well with Shamoo.
The boys loving watching the jellyfish and all the other marine life.

In the Aquarium they have a really cool place where you feel like you are in the Amazon, with a rope walk included.
Grandpa and Grandma West.  Grandma didn't like it when we stood on the end and bounced the rope walk as she tried to cross!


Visiting at Grandma and Grandpa West's house, the boys have such a great time building Lego's. Dillon is really into a game called Mine Craft currently, and he decided to build Lego's like the characters from the game.  Dillon 8 yrs old.
It's the most wonderful time of the year.  We got new decorations for the tree this year. It has been decorated with silver and blue for the past 11 years, and this year we switched to red and gold.  The tree feels much warmer, and I think we all agree, we'll keep this one around for a while!
How I decorated our chalkboard for the Holidays.
Deakin's dashing self.
We have a really great recreation center in Heber that the boys love playing at during the cold months when it is wet and yucky outside, we have a place to ride bikes, play basketball, soccer, racquetball etc.
Nothing beats a hot cup of cocoa in the winter months, with our beautiful Christmas decorations to liven up the occasion.
This is a picture of Deakin thinking he is sneaky, playing games in bed.  Naughty little thing.

Dillon's second grade class had a fun activity that they did; each child would get to take the class stuffed monkey home, take pictures with activities they did with it, and then write in a journal about their experiences with the pictures. I thought his teacher was a gets the kids really excited about writing, and spending fun times as a family!
Here the class monkey was helping Dillon get his treat from the advent calendar.  Forgot to put a clean shirt on Dill, my bad.
We took the monkey (and our monkeys) to the Wasatch Event Center where they had a ginger bread contest and sale for charity.  There were some pretty incredible ginger bread houses.
Including this house that was fashioned after the movie, "Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs."
And, a very popular movie at the time was Frozen, so there were a few ice castles out of gingerbread.
Summit County recreation center had a fun craft fair, with bouncy houses and a chance to sit on Santa's lap.  We waited in line to see Santa while the boys bounced down the slides!  This is an awesome shot with Dillon on the right, and Deakin on the left having a ball!
The boys finally got to sit on Santa's lap, and talk with him and Mrs. Clause.  They were pretty excited, and tried their hardest to be mannerly, only asking for one gift each.
Dillon at the craft table making a bell bracelet, and using scratch paper to make Christmas designs.
Deakin is thinking very hard about what he wanted to make on his scratch and reveal paper. 4 years old.
We decided to make it a Holiday tradition to sleep out in the living room on the first night that we light the tree and the house. Not the best night's sleep for Jonny and I, but pretty fun for the boys watching movies and eating popcorn and candy 'til they passed out! Mila loved us all being out there together too.
Deakin's preschool went on another adventure to the library.  We got a tour, a story, and then did a little craft with trees and colored marshmallows.  The marshmallows don't taste as good with glue on them, Deakin decided a little late.
Deak having fun with his preschool class at the library
Grandma West called me and told me that she was given tickets to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing with the cast of Sesame Street, and couldn't use them.  We were thrilled to go and see the production.  It was incredible, the boys loved every minute, and so did Jonny and I.
Getting ready for the show to start in the Conference Center.  All of my favorite people in their finest attire.  So handsome.
The sea of people who we joined to watch the show.
After the show, the boys outside the Conference Center overlooking Temple Square, so beautifully lit during the Holiday.
Deakin woke up one morning with a bunch of crud in his ear, so we went to the Doctor and they gave us antibiotics.  Well, it continued happening...4-5 times.  Finally the Doctor gave us a referral to a specialist, Dr. Tagge who reported that his tube had become lodged in his ear and needed surgery to remove it.
Here is our little trooper all ready before surgery.  He was pretty brave.
Baby and Daddy posing before being taken back. That is really nerve-wracking as a mother; feeling so out of control and just waiting.
Me and the boys getting ready.  Deakin, ever so serious.
Deakin stole my phone and began taking pictures of the Doctor, so he gets to be in the memories too.
Ready, set, go.  What a brave little guy. He did awesome, and has had no problems since. Phew.
Santa attended out Church Christmas party.  This is a shot of The boys, being first in line, to tell Santa all of the wishes in their hearts.
Grandma and Grandpa West and Taylor came up to our house and made gingerbread houses this year.  It was tons of fun. Earlier in the year, mom and dad had problems with racoons in their house, so Jonny and I made our house for them, with racoons in the roof, and Dad standing out front with a rifle.  We think we are so funny.
Taylor, being a cute uncle helping Deakin make his gingerbread house.
Mila crashed out by the Christmas tree.
Deakin and his buddies at preschool at our house. They were making Christmas trees into talking paper bags.
Showing off his artwork.
Jonny's school had a horse-drawn carriage before a dinner and program for Christmas. Here are my handsome boys getting ready for their ride.
Here are some pictures of the house at Christmas.
A little out of order, but here are Dillon and Deakin taking the wagon ride at Jonny's school
The boys got to meet Santa again at Jonny's school. 
Poor Dillon, he got sick during the Holidays. This is a closeup picture, so you can see the dots all over his face. When he vomits, he bursts blood vessels all over his face. Cute little kid.
More pictures of Dillon, cute sick little boy,
Above: A picture of the boys creating paper cities with stickers, colored pencils, crayons etc.  Oh, what do you do in the wintertime...
Jonny has been working with Brad doing landscaping for the past couple of summers.  For his Christmas bonus, Brad gave us some meat for the freezer and some yard tools! Very nice!
We took a trip to SLC with Grandma and Grandpa Case to see the lights.  Dillon was attached to Pat's side the whole time, it was very tender.
Crazy buddies
The whole fam-damily

I love to see the temple...
This is what you get when you ask for a smile...
Deakin loved all of the lights, and was dancing and laughing the whole time.
Our forever family
Forgot to rotate this picture before I imported, oh well. Sleepy buddies.
Best friends, brothers forever.
For the Case family Christmas party, we spent some time at Timpanogos Intermediate School playing games like dodge ball.
Jonny really getting into dodge ball. Watch out kids!
Jonny's revenge face!
Our night before Christmas dinner. It was a lovely affair.  We talked about Christ, shared our testimonies of the Savior, ate a traditional Bethlehem supper, and spent time together in the candle light.
The boys loved eating by candle light. A rare occasion, in hopes of sparing our home.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy.
My handsome Dillon listening and sharing testimonies.
Enjoying our evening with sparkling cider.
The boys got to open one gift...wonder what it was?!
Making cookies, and getting carrots for the reindeer as well as writing our letters to Santa.  Dillon was able to write his all by himself this year, and Deakin did a god job writing a D.
The spoils Christmas Morning!
And, the presents under the tree.
We were afraid the kids would try and sneak out and see what Santa brought, so we rigged the hallway with bells to make sure that we were there with cameras in the morning!
We went in to wake up the boys, who knew we would have to wake them up!?  We have had to wake them up every year.  When I was little, I remember being awake around 4AM pestering my parents, who wouldn't let the day begin until 6AM.  These funny little sleepers.
Mila, annoyed by all of the Christmas noise, hiding her head under our bed.
We woke the boys up, who then walked into our room, got in our bed, and went promptly back to sleep.  Such strange little creatures!
Love those faces!!!
Spoiled little boys!

Oh, hey, Santa and His reindeer enjoyed their treats! Amazing!
Next, opening gifts! Love that little face!

Meager for us, but big enough for the boys.

Underwear got that expression!? Who knew.  Priceless.

Love those handsome cheeks on Dillon.  What a stud.
Deakin had been admiring a little scooper of his friends, and was beyond thrilled to get one for Christmas! Experimenting on the carpet.
Mila and her presents: some toys, and a new blanket.  She has been feeling jealous that she doesn't get to lay on our blankets, so we got one just for her.
Finally, the boys got to get all dressed in their snow gear, and try out a few of their new toys.  Love that we live where we have white Christmases.
Thanks Jonny for clearing the walk, I'll just hang out here and take pictures!
Christmas Day, building Lego's, eating good food, and being together as a family. Life is good.
We had the Case's over for Ham dinner on Christmas Day. It was lovely.

My poor husband, gets to see this craziness while I am getting ready every dayT. Mascara in bra, check. Hair upside down, check. Hahaha.
The fun of wrapping up beautiful presents to give to our loved ones.
After Christmas we went down to Kaysville to meet with my family at mom and dad's.  All the buddies were there!  Love cousin time.
Watching the kids empty their stockings and share gifts.

Well, I am not a good seamstress (that's making me sound better than I am) but I sewed up these little pillow loungers for Cassie's kids to watch movies on the floor! They were really excited, a win!

Cass and Ty even enjoyed laying on them.