[I personally think Mike is incredible with the youth. He loves them so much, he loves the scriptures so much and he loves teaching so it's the ideal calling for him really. It certainly is time consuming and tests him daily. Some mornings he'll call right after seminary saying, I don't think they care, I don't think anyone listens, someone else would probably be better for them. I give the best advice I can and laugh after he gets off the phone because it's like motherhood. I love that he gets a little glimpse of motherhood each morning!]
Today, after Mike left I started making eggs for the kids. Kade was super concerned about his state testing and part of the advice from NED was to eat a good breakfast so we couldn't let him down. Kids get up about 6:20, we eat breakfast, pack lunches, do hair, brush teeth, load backpacks and are out the door for the bus by 6:50. It's a very rare day that the little boys are still asleep past bus time. I count an extra blessing on the days that happens which just so happened to be today! I run downstairs for a quick workout and ride the bike for about 20 minutes and read a book while I ride. I don't read very often, I love to read but feel like there's never time for it. There's a book I've been wanting to read lately so I decided I'd make it work somehow. It's a win win cause it encourages me to actually ride the bike and babies are still asleep (today) so I don't feel like I'm neglecting anyone!
Back to the kitchen for round 2 with the little boys. They eat while I clean the kitchen, unload dishes, sweep for the 1st of about 5 times in a day. Today I'm on my A game and the house was basically cleaned up and ready by 8:30. (Yes, I'm aware that baskets of toys will get dumped out everywhere and I'll clean up again several times but I'm weird like that and like to start with a clean house.) I get a few more chores done, laundry started and taxes filed! We invite Wes to the water park with us and we're out of the house heading for the water park for their 11am opening.
I write about this typical day because I felt SO much joy all day and then it got me thinking...
There have been so many of those moments where life just feels so so sweet. There's been nothing too extraordinary, just the basics but some days I just love the basics! I'm a Mom. That's kinda how life goes. Some days I feel like a million bucks other days I feel like the cleaning lady. In either situation, it's all apart of being a Mom and I feel so blessed to be able to stay home with my children. When I take a few hours out of the day to take the kids to the water park I battle the thoughts of, I should be cleaning house, I should be grocery shopping or paying bills but actually, no, my children are my work also. "They are not a distraction from other work, they are the most important work!"
Some days life feels too "perfect" and I'm just sure that something bad is about to happen. Generally the bad thing that I think will happen has something to do with someones health because that seems like the most likely possibility. It's totally irrational but sometimes those thoughts just come creeping in. They sound something like this for me: Life is too good. You're too happy. It's not supposed to be this easy. This is just prep for something bad that is coming. You're getting a glimpse of heaven on earth because it won't always be this way. On and on.
A few months back I read the book "The Power of Vulnerability" by Brene Brown and man did I love it! I loved it for so many reasons but she described what she called "leaning into joy." I won't do it justice but I remember one of my favorites parts like this, she set up this scene: A family just spent Christmas Eve with extended family. Dinner, gift exchange, laughing, just the most fantastic evening. The family gets into the car to drive home, they're singing Christmas Carols together and the Mom turns around to look at her family and is SO happy, they had such a fun time together, it's Christmas Eve, everyone is happy, this moment is perfect...Then she asks, What happens next? If you're like me, the answer without a doubt was 'car wreck'. But WHY??? Anytime things seem so good, why do we have to ruin it with a bad thought? This is SO me. I wouldn't say I live in fear, I don't describe myself as a pessimist but sometimes life seems so good that there's got to be something bad coming, right?
Wrong. She talks about "leaning into the joy," letting the good things happen. Don't ruin it with a bad thought. So this is where I am. I'm working on leaning in.
There are SO many moments in my life where I feel overwhelmed with the sweetest feelings, I feel incredibly happy, extremely blessed, I feel like life is perfect and it is easy and I couldn't possible love my children any more and I'm still madly in love with my husband. I feel so blessed to be a Mom, a Mom who gets to stay home and witness all the firsts and the funny learning moments and take my kids to the park or to get a happy meal if I feel like it. All these moments I feel overwhelmed with joy and sometimes I even fight back tears of extreme happiness. I'm incredibly blessed. It's everyday life but it feels so good! And guess what? That's part of the plan. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of us and it's not called the plan of happiness for no reason. It's ok to be happy all the time. It's ok to feel extreme amounts of joy on a daily basis, and it doesn't have to mean something bad is coming. "The plan" was designed for happiness. We've been given a road map, the scriptures, we have commandments and Prophets. We weren't put on this earth to figure it out on our own. I truly believe that as we follow the guidance and counsel we've been given, we will feel happy.
Now that's not to say that there are no bad days, hard things, tears, trials and days I want to "clock out" 15 minutes after the kids get off the bus because the fighting hasn't stopped. Bad things, sad things and hard things happen but not because I felt too happy last week that I need a trial to even out the score. The Lord has a perfect plan that I trust in completely. Everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that I need all my life experiences to learn and grow from. He's completely aware of me and what I need and so because of that, I'm going to LEAN IN!
Just a few of the moments that I look back on and feel like my heart may burst. That's probably the reason I take SO many pictures of the random, everyday things. I don't want to forget the way any of it made me feel.
This snow day was complete perfection! A day we were all "stuck" in together and we didn't have to worry about getting to chores or things we "should" be doing.
Donut run because they asked and I love saying yes!
Mike training his bird dog
3rd Grade Field trip
Easter Sunday April 2017
There have been so many of those moments where life just feels so so sweet. There's been nothing too extraordinary, just the basics but some days I just love the basics! I'm a Mom. That's kinda how life goes. Some days I feel like a million bucks other days I feel like the cleaning lady. In either situation, it's all apart of being a Mom and I feel so blessed to be able to stay home with my children. When I take a few hours out of the day to take the kids to the water park I battle the thoughts of, I should be cleaning house, I should be grocery shopping or paying bills but actually, no, my children are my work also. "They are not a distraction from other work, they are the most important work!"
Some days life feels too "perfect" and I'm just sure that something bad is about to happen. Generally the bad thing that I think will happen has something to do with someones health because that seems like the most likely possibility. It's totally irrational but sometimes those thoughts just come creeping in. They sound something like this for me: Life is too good. You're too happy. It's not supposed to be this easy. This is just prep for something bad that is coming. You're getting a glimpse of heaven on earth because it won't always be this way. On and on.
A few months back I read the book "The Power of Vulnerability" by Brene Brown and man did I love it! I loved it for so many reasons but she described what she called "leaning into joy." I won't do it justice but I remember one of my favorites parts like this, she set up this scene: A family just spent Christmas Eve with extended family. Dinner, gift exchange, laughing, just the most fantastic evening. The family gets into the car to drive home, they're singing Christmas Carols together and the Mom turns around to look at her family and is SO happy, they had such a fun time together, it's Christmas Eve, everyone is happy, this moment is perfect...Then she asks, What happens next? If you're like me, the answer without a doubt was 'car wreck'. But WHY??? Anytime things seem so good, why do we have to ruin it with a bad thought? This is SO me. I wouldn't say I live in fear, I don't describe myself as a pessimist but sometimes life seems so good that there's got to be something bad coming, right?
Wrong. She talks about "leaning into the joy," letting the good things happen. Don't ruin it with a bad thought. So this is where I am. I'm working on leaning in.
There are SO many moments in my life where I feel overwhelmed with the sweetest feelings, I feel incredibly happy, extremely blessed, I feel like life is perfect and it is easy and I couldn't possible love my children any more and I'm still madly in love with my husband. I feel so blessed to be a Mom, a Mom who gets to stay home and witness all the firsts and the funny learning moments and take my kids to the park or to get a happy meal if I feel like it. All these moments I feel overwhelmed with joy and sometimes I even fight back tears of extreme happiness. I'm incredibly blessed. It's everyday life but it feels so good! And guess what? That's part of the plan. Our Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of us and it's not called the plan of happiness for no reason. It's ok to be happy all the time. It's ok to feel extreme amounts of joy on a daily basis, and it doesn't have to mean something bad is coming. "The plan" was designed for happiness. We've been given a road map, the scriptures, we have commandments and Prophets. We weren't put on this earth to figure it out on our own. I truly believe that as we follow the guidance and counsel we've been given, we will feel happy.
Now that's not to say that there are no bad days, hard things, tears, trials and days I want to "clock out" 15 minutes after the kids get off the bus because the fighting hasn't stopped. Bad things, sad things and hard things happen but not because I felt too happy last week that I need a trial to even out the score. The Lord has a perfect plan that I trust in completely. Everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that I need all my life experiences to learn and grow from. He's completely aware of me and what I need and so because of that, I'm going to LEAN IN!
Just a few of the moments that I look back on and feel like my heart may burst. That's probably the reason I take SO many pictures of the random, everyday things. I don't want to forget the way any of it made me feel.
This snow day was complete perfection! A day we were all "stuck" in together and we didn't have to worry about getting to chores or things we "should" be doing.
Baking the snow day away. Our kitchen is always busy!
This dreamer who posed herself for dance picturesDonut run because they asked and I love saying yes!
Mike training his bird dog
3rd Grade Field trip
Easter Sunday April 2017