Friday, August 30, 2013

Broad Jump Track Star!

Gabe and his biggest fan!
This spring Gabe was a track and field man. With his fast shoes on he loved to run the short sprints, long jump and the softball throw.  And he always tried his hardest.  It was really fun to watch him compete at the meets and win lots of ribbons. He was more interested in getting a different color of ribbon each time than getting first in anything! :) Which was pretty nice for his first time being introduced to organized sports.  On our very last track meet - the biggest with 4 cities competing - the Broad Jump was introduced for the first time and Gabe wanted to try.  Ironically at the beginning of the meet he told he really wanted a blue ribbon since it was one color he had never gotten.  My heart sank a little because even though he didn't know blue meant first place, I did... and I also knew that a lot the kids competing were older and bigger.  Well I almost cried when it was announced that Gabe had won first place in the Broad Jump!! I literally had a lump in my throat!  It was so wonderful - although I wonder if it meant more to me than to him - I couldn't tell if he even understood he won first, or maybe he didn't care that much!  That boy is a puzzle to me half the time, even at the age of 6!  Anyway, I was thrilled for him and proud of him for trying so hard and doing his best.

First blue ribbon - woohoo!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

little moments

This summer has held a lot of outings to the park and the beach for our little family! We have also done a lot of sprinklers, some hikes, and other family adventures.  I swear it's the little moments that add up to being the best memories.  Here are a collection of random pictures representing our summer so far...beginning with a pic of Gabe's water popsicles that he was so excited about!  I had to agree with him that it was a genius idea (won't get any complaints from mom... cheap, easy, and no mess)!! ;)

at Lowe's project class for kids!

Surprise birthday luncheon for me... I have the best group of friends!