Saturday, November 27, 2010

Eva Jewell

Eva Jewell Hitchcock
November 15, 2010

After a crazy week of waiting to see if I was going to have a VBAC we decided to go ahead and schedule a C-section on the 15th (my official due date).  The Friday before we went into the hospital, thinking I was in labor, only to be sent home. I spent all Sunday having contractions.  Even though I was constantly urged by mom to go into the hospital because of her strong desire for me not to have another c-section.  But I was not about to go into the hospital for the second time and be sent home because I wasn't dilated far enough.  At about 2:00 am I couldn't take the contractions any more so we went in.  I was only dilated to a 3, but they called my Dr. and ordered my way or another the baby was coming.  After having little to no change in about 6 hours, I was all of sudden was at a 10!!  Within 22 minutes of pushing Eva Jewell was born at 9:52 am.  She was 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 19 inches long.  We are so excited to welcome this beautiful little girl into this world especially without another C-section!!

Some Family Pictures Kenny took a while ago.....