Saturday, January 31, 2015

Random Pictures January 2015

 We got a new washing machine.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015

Sarahlynn: 3 months

I love this chill baby.  God knew what he was doing when he sent her here to be a third child.  Bob's mom said he was a very calm baby and loved to watch his older siblings.  Sarah does too.  Is it a third child thing?  Sarahlynn's attention goes strait to Hannalee and Tayo whenever she can hear them.  She loves to watch them play and always has a big grin for them.

This month she started giggling.  Its my favorite sound in the world.  She's not easy to get giggling and it doesn't last long.  I can get her to giggle by tickling her with my hair or by kissing her neck.  Hannalee can get her giggling by making funny noises at her.

She is getting a strong neck and is doing good at holding her head up while she is in the sitting position.  She still hates tummy time though.

She is still a champion eater and is starting to have the leg rolls to prove it.  She is very demanding when she is hungry; she wants nothing to do with anyone.  If she doesn't get fed immediately after waking up she will cry up a storm.  She can't even be bothered with a diaper change.

What her schedule looks like:  1:00am feeding and back to bed, 4:00am feeding and back to bed, 7:00 feeding and watch mom get the kids read for the day, 8:30am nap time, 11:00am feeding and play time, 1:30 nap, 3:00pm feeding and play time, 5:00 feeding and fussy time and hopefully a nap, 7:30 feeding and off to bed.

She still cries every time I lay her down to nap and sometimes when I first put her to bed.  But, if I've timed it just right she only cries for a couple of minutes and then quickly falls to sleep.  I love that she takes good naps.  She has woken up a couple of times to the 45 minute intruder and cries, but falls back to sleep.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

There Were Three In the Bed

There where three in the bed and the little one said "move over"!

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First Smiles

Sarahlynn gave me her first real smile at about 4 weeks.  These photos are at 6 weeks. She gives the biggest wide mouthed smiles especially at diaper changing time.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015