I was sad that the zoo train was under construction, as I thought that would be Tayo's favorite part. But even better than the train was all the construction! Bulldozers, loaders, dump trucks, and excavators. Tayo was in heaven. He could have stayed there and watched that for a few hours then headed home, forget about the animals.
But we convinced him that there was more to see at the zoo. So on our way we went.
Well we didn't know which way to go. Who do we ask for help when we don't know which way to go? That's right the map. (We've been watching way to much Dora.) Hannalee looked at the map and decided our first stop would be the elephants.
The elephants were just having their breakfast. It was amazing to watch them use their trunks. They have amazing coordination. The baby elephant was to short to reach the food, so it swept the ground for the hay the mommy elephant had dropped. Hannie thought it was hilarious when the baby elephant reached into its mommy's mouth for food.
Next stop, the rhinos. This is Bob's favorite animal.
We hadn't been to the zoo since they had opened up the aquatics center. It was AMAZING. Tayo's favorite animal at the zoo was the otters. He would laugh and laugh as they swam past him. Then he started laughing just to get the attention of everyone around. One little boy was yelling at Tayo that he was too loud.
My favorite part was the seal enclosure. We got there at a perfect time. They were just getting ready to feed the seals. It was amazing to watch them do tricks. Each trainer had a shape that they put at the edge of the water. The seals knew which shape was theirs and would automatically come to their trainer.
We didn't get to see much of the polar bear. He was inside every time we came to see him.
But the grizzly bears were fun to watch.
They were playing with each other and the one pushed the other one into the water.
I have never been to the zoo at a time when the big cats are not lounging in the shade. It was fun and scary to see the tiger up roaming.
Hannalee's favorite animal? The ones on the carousal.
Tayo on the other hand cried and got so hysterical that Bob had to take him of the animal and hold him for the remainder of the ride.
What a great day a the zoo!