Sunday, November 15, 2015

My Kids

This picture explains my kids. 

 Hannalee likes everything done by the rules.  If your not following the rules she is happy to tell you to and help you get back on track.

Tayo doesn't like to follow your rules.  He is stubborn and silly and wants to do his own thing.

Sarahlynn is happiest when she has what she wants.  And if she has what she wants (ie food, blanket, mommy quite possibly in that order) than she could care less about what is going on around her.

A Good Place to Nap

Hannalee's Last Day of 1st Grade

 Can you give me a "hallelujah"!!

 First day of school compared to her last day of school.  She grew up so much this year!

Sarahlynn at 7 months

  Sarahlynn is getting teeth!

Hannalee's Learning Celebration

 The second part of the year, Hannalee's class studied farms with and emphasis on cows.  She learned so much about the way they were fed and the things the animals provided us.  Her celebration of learning was amazing.

This year Hannalee's teacher challenged the students to read Caldecott books and write  reports.  She was going to give awards for gold silver and bronze depending on how many books they read.  Hannalee set a goal to read enough books to receive the gold.  And she did. 52 to be exact!  I'm so proud that she had the motivation to keep at it.  It was hard since most of the books were not on her reading level.  But boy did doing it make her a better reader.

What is also cool was that there were only two kids in the whole class that even got a medal!  So proud of my Hannalee!!

She got her medal, a new book and a gift card to Chick-Fil-A.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hogle Zoo 2015

 I love going to the Hogle Zoo in the spring.  The weather is so nice and the animals are much more active.  We all played hookie from school and work and enjoyed a great day.  Sarahlynn did great, but didn't really focus on any of the animals.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sarahlynn's Solid Food Frustration

Yeah! Sarahlynn is 6 months old. We can start solid foods with a hope that she will get more full and stop wanting to nurse 8 times a day (which feels like all day and all night long!)

I started with rice cereal.  She opened her mouth, let me put it in, and didn't make too funny of a face. Score!  But she had no idea what do do with it so it just fell back out.  That's ok, I told myself.  She'll figure it out.

4 weeks later...still has not swallowed an ounce of baby food!  She would not swallow the food.  She enjoyed it and would gladly let me put it in her mouth, but once in she didn't do anything with it.  I tried thinning it out, thickening it up, fruits, veggies...I tried everything. Or so I thought.

Then we went to Moab on vacation.  I bought some of the cool squeeze pouches that they have now-a-days because it looked less messy for traveling.  I let Sarahlynn suck right from the pouch and guess what!? She swallowed the baby food.

Eating baby food clicked! From that day on she swallowed!  She still doesn't like to be spoon fed baby food and has never eaten baby cereal.  She prefers to feed herself with finger food, but her second choice would be from the squeeze pouch.