Yeah! Sarahlynn is 6 months old. We can start solid foods with a hope that she will get more full and stop wanting to nurse 8 times a day (which feels like all day and all night long!)
I started with rice cereal. She opened her mouth, let me put it in, and didn't make too funny of a face. Score! But she had no idea what do do with it so it just fell back out. That's ok, I told myself. She'll figure it out.
4 weeks later...still has not swallowed an ounce of baby food! She would not swallow the food. She enjoyed it and would gladly let me put it in her mouth, but once in she didn't do anything with it. I tried thinning it out, thickening it up, fruits, veggies...I tried everything. Or so I thought.
Then we went to Moab on vacation. I bought some of the cool squeeze pouches that they have now-a-days because it looked less messy for traveling. I let Sarahlynn suck right from the pouch and guess what!? She swallowed the baby food.
Eating baby food clicked! From that day on she swallowed! She still doesn't like to be spoon fed baby food and has never eaten baby cereal. She prefers to feed herself with finger food, but her second choice would be from the squeeze pouch.