Most of you know that Kris is an old and dear friend of mine here in the blogsphere. I simply admire and love her and I don't mind to say I'm her minion, along with Kallan Kennedy, lol! Hmm, that's an internal joke... *grin*
She's been pretty busy this year working on her first book on witchery, soon to be launched by Weiser books (keep your eyes opened, guys, you don't want to miss it!). So she's kept her acclaimed blog in a hiatus for what I consider a very long time in order to focus on her writings. Fair enough. But enough is enough, we couldn't wait any longer to read her cool posts... And she's back! :o)
She's back just in time for one of the best times for us witches: October! Samhain, Halloween month! Time for ghosts stories, time to connect with ancestral spirits, to share creepy tales, recipes and crafts. Okay, I know that here in the Southern Hemisphere we're heading to Beltane - another favorite sabbat of mine: Lucas is a Beltane child, after all... But I always love to follow up all the fun Halloween parties that many great blogs host during this month. And everybody knows that I can't resist a good giveaway, right? ;)
I'm talking too much, let's go for what really matters: Confession of a Pagan Soccer Mom is giving away a copy of this wonderful book: Old World Witchcraft, by the great pagan author Raven Grimassi. I've been drooling for this book since I first read about it at Facebook, and now we all have a chance to win it. And the best: the giveaway is open worldwide!
So what are you waiting for? Check it out, the contest goes until October 11. I'm already in! ;)