Saturday, April 3, 2010


Happy Easter to you all!! May we remember the true meaning of this season and also enjoy the fun part to. We just want all of you to know how much we LoVe you all and how blessed we are to have you all in our lifes.
Nelyana and I decorated these eggs today. It was fun to see her literally drop the eggs in to the dye and try and guess the color. Everything to her is Blue. We made sure we were outside where the mess could be made. More pictures to come tomarrow of the girls in there dresses!! Love you all!!!
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Nelyana is one funny girl! She is just a mini chris and it is so funny to see that! She is now 2 1/2 and for some reason she is getting a little more fisty. She is always on the go and some of the things she loves doing is playing with her little sister zaniyah and playing with her daddy. She loves to go to the park and play and go down the slides and swing. She loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Barney and Charlie and Lola. This girl is amazing she loves to sing and she can carry a tune. She loves the Princess and the Frog movie and can sing every song on that movie. We bought some flash cards and one of them was pictures with the words and she suprised us and new 1/2 the deck. She sure blew her daddy away!! There is never a dule moment with Nelyana she makes everyday a fabulous one.
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I know some of you are thinking what a mean name to give such a beatiful girl!! But she is one big Drama Mama!! She is a good baby and very happy but she sure holds her own when it comes to crying and screaming. She is now 6 mons and weights about 17 lbs!! She loves her sister Nelyana and is sitting up on her own and can find her way around with out crawling. She is getting close to crawling but till then she just reaches and rolls. She loves using her little voice she can say DADA and a bunch of mumbling. She loves to scream and laugh. She loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Barney with her big sister. I love having her in bed with me in the morning she is so cute cuz she just goos and talks and is just so happy!! We are one lucky family to have this little girl in our lifes!
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Yes it is only Feb and YES we went to the park today and had some fun. It is really nice here right now. It is like 65 degrees and that means time to play outside. Nelyana had fun on the slide and playing with daddy!! Zaniyah just had fun smiling at everyone and playing on the bouncer with nelyana.
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Super Grandma

We were lucky to have my mom come out to visit for the wedding and we missed not having Papa here. But we enjoyed every min with her. We were able to drive up together and my mom sat between the girls in the back and had fun reading to them and just being grandma!! Thank you Mom for taking time out and spending it with us. We LOVE you and MISS you!! XOXOXO
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Cousin Time

Emma and Kevin were able to come out to the wedding and I enjoyed every min with them. They live so far away that we don't get to see them that often. Last time Nelyana and Andrina got together was at my sisters graduation and by the time it was time to go I was done with both of them. They were at the age where they didn't want to share and fought the hole time. So I was hoping for better this time, and they were fabulous together. They loved every min together. Adella was so cute and just a funny little girl, she thought Nelyana was the coolest and Zaniyah just took all the love she could get. The only cousin that we were missing was Annabelle (Heidi's new little one 1 Mon) So when that time comes again that we all get together we will hold on to these sweet memories that we have.
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Betsy and Kelly's Wedding

The first part if Feb. we were able to go to my cousins wedding up north and it was a very beautiful day! The best part of wedding is getting together with family. I love hanging out with all my family!! It was a glorious experience to sit in the temple and see everyone there. We were missing some people but over all it was an amazing thing to sit back and see everyone there.
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Brinagh Family

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Sweet Baby Girls

We just got the girls pictures done a few weeks ago by a friend Amber S. She has a business call A Blue Iris. She did an amazing job as always!! I love this one of the girls. Nelyana is now 2 and a busy 2 yr old she is. She loves to sing and dance and play ball with her daddy. She loves playing with her baby dolls and playing outside. She always brings a smile to our face, she has quiet the personality, and can be very bossy at times. Zaniyah is 2 mons. and loves to smile and coo and goo. She loves playing with her sister and enjoys her time in the swing. Man time fly's by and I love every moment with the girls.
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Thursday, November 5, 2009

The cutest girls in the world and I am the luckiest Mommy in the world. I didnt think having 2 kids was going to be that hard. Which it isnt if you dont have to worry about anything else in the world. Like cleaning the house and keeping up with the laundry and washing the dishes and giving baths, feeding them, trying to figure out what to cook for dinner and working and keeping a smile on your face when your husband walks in the door. Then being a Mommy of 2 wouldnt be so hard. But its the best thing in the world when your 2 yr old gives you a big squeeze and says love you, or when your baby looks up at you and smiles at you and trys to tell you everything she can. Its the best thing when you sit back and look at what an amazing thing heavenly father has trusted you with. Two of his most precious girls, and the most amazing husband. Our little family is growing everyday and we could not do it without the help and love of our family and friends.
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Happy Halloween

Happy belated Halloween. We had a fun full night of Trick er Treating. Nelyana loved the fact that people were giving her candy. She would knock on the door and they would open the door and come down to her level and then she would reach in the bowl and grab some candy and then say Tiker teet and then start to walk away and say Thank you! Chris was quite the trooper in this year. We went to stalie farms and went to the pumpkin patch and got two pumpkins (we didnt get to carving them), but they look good on my front porch. The girls looked so cute this year. Nelyana was Minnie mouse and she was so excited to be Minnie. My best friend Alison her mom is like my second mom she is amazing. She made this costume for her. Thank you Bonnie!!! Zaniyah didnt care what she was as long as she was warm. I love the top two pictures cause it looks like nelyana did something to her to make her cry and the next one nelyana is looking away like I didnt do it.
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Hate/Love Relationship

As you can tell from the pictures these girls love each other. Nelyana more than Zaniyah right now. Neylana wants the baby to be as big as her and play catch with a ball, jump, sing and give big squeezes!!!
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These are just some random pictures of the girls. The picture of nelyana cheesing it, she took a late bath so we had to dry her hair before bed.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Zaniyah Lynn

Hello family and friends!!! I am here and my family is so excited to have me here. Mostly my mom cuz she not pregnant any more!!! LOL I was born 09/13/09 at 3:07am and I was 8 lbs 1 oz and 20 inches long. My big sister is way excited to have me here. She says "MY BABY" Still working on having her say her name.

Family time at the Hospital. Nelyana was so excited to see her when she walked in the door. My mom and sister bethany were able to fly out and spend time with us. It has made the whole process alot easier. SO thank you a million times a million. We also are lucky to have my Uncle Todd and Aunt Donna down they are visiting there grand kids. So it has been nice spending time with family.

The bottom R Picture is of Bethany and Nelyana sitting on her dresser looking out the window. Nelyana loves just sitting there and looking out the window at the flowers and birds and clouds and also looking for the moon. So this morning she said "Bee come sit with me" I thought it was so cute. Nelyana has loves spending time with her Auntie Bee and Grandma.

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Football Season

Football season is here and Chris is gone!
He is coaching and loves every minute. The good ones and the bad ones. He is coaching for Pine View High School "GO PANTHERS" its the same school I graduated from 10 1/2 years ago. WOW thats crazy how time flys. I have gone to more games now then when I was in school. They are doing pretty good they are 3 and 1 and it's been fun going to the games. Nelyana loves running around with her little friend Levi and also standing in the stands and yelling "GO! GO! GO!"
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Nelyana Time

When ever the camera comes out and you tell Nelyana to Smile. We end up getting these funny faces!! She is one funny girl and such a joy in our life. There is never a boring moment.
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Summer Update

This Summer has been busy with lots of fun things. Chris was busy at the first of the summer with football camps and more football and spending time with Nelyana. I have been busy with working more full time through the summer, so Its been good for them to have there bonding time. Most mornings that Nelyana woke up and I was at work she would go and grab her PS2 remote and get Chris's and then she would want to play college football with daddy. She enjoyed it yelling "GO GO GO" and "TOUCHDOWN" and throw her hands up. It was so funny to see her get so excited. Other things in our life we are getting very eager for our new little addition to our family. We know for sure that its a girl. Her arrival to the family with be a challenge and a blessing. Nelyana is going to have a rude awaking when she realizes she has to share mommy and daddy, but at the same time she will have fun with a baby. I don't think she gets the hole concept yet but she will soon. The name we have picked out is Zaniyah Lynn for those that look at that name and say how do you say that here goes my attempt to help you Za-ni-yah. We only have 6 more hot fun filled weeks to go(less would be good for me). So between School starting the second week of August and Football season starting and a new arrival we will be a busy little family. We are excited for what the future holds.

My first Hair cut. She did so well sitting there while she got a hair cut. It was only 1 1/2 inches and you cant really tell it was done, but it just needed to be evened out.

Pool time in the back yard. She loves going and playing in the water. Not a big fan of the bigger part of the pool, but loves the whale side. She's happy as long as you don't splash her in the face or as Chris would do stick her in the big part and she screams like someone is hurting her.

Happy Late 4th of July. We had a fun day with friends Amber and Hilary and Clifford and there little girl Lilly. We did a BBQ at our house and then went to Snow Park and watched the fire works. (Thanks to my mom many of years ago found the best spot with not alot of people!!!) We bought some fireworks and Nelyana enjoyed them except for the ones Chris bought when you light them it makes a loud high pitched screaming sound. Nelyana did not like them at all. Over all it was a great day.
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Country Fun

Here at Grandma and Papa's house there is so much fun stuff to do. From playing with the puppy's Sally and Tootsie (they are nice enough to put up with me) swinging on the bee swing, being pulled in the wagon, wondering in the Fields to go and see the horses and sheep and the cow. My papa found a baby dear with no mommy so he is taking care of it. Its name is "Oh" like "oh dear" LOL. It is just my size and I enjoy playing with it. I like to pick the dandelion's and"try" and blow them they usually just end up stuck to my lips. I think they look like bubbles when float away.

As you can tell Nelyana has had a blast at Grandma and Papa's house. It has been fun to see here learn new things and finally see the animal that make the sounds she has been learning. She loves playing with her Uncle Josh she calls him "Joshie" it is the cutest thing in the world. She is enjoying her time with her cousins even though it is hard to share and be nice at times she is learning. Poor Adella is having to be the test baby for Nelyana but to my surprise she has done really well. It gives me at least some hope.
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Bethany's Graduation

So she did it!! Congrates on your big day Bee!! We are so proud of you!!
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Nelyana's 2nd Easter. I was looking back at last easter and it is crazy how much she as grown. Time sure does fly by. We went to the temple and took these pictures. It was such a beautiful day here. Love St. George weather.
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