Monday, July 9, 2007

Hay Time

So as you can see Chris is bailing hay!! Yes hard to believe but he did a great job and was quiet the trouper. While they were doing it, it started to thunder and lighting and the heavens opened up and it downed pored. But it was a fun bonding time for everyone. I found that it pays to be pregnant. I was a great supervisor!!! Notice the picture of Emma's guns (you have to have tickets to the gun show, call for reservations at 763-the-show)

The Two Sleeping Babies

Here is Chris at that the Mall Of America! and what a fun place it is. I always say its a little bit of Heaven here on earth!!! Then this picture is of our niece Andrina what a cute bundle of joy.
And for all those who haven't heard we are having a Girl and we are so excited! Right now we are 28 weeks(7 months) and as you can tell everything just gets bigger. Not as fun as it sounds but it will be worth it. Chris is excited to be a daddy and what a wonderful one he will be!! When we were at the Doc office finding out Dr. Rogers told Chris that he had a ball player but for the other team? Chris was a little confused but then realized that he meant it was a girl, he was a little overwhelmed and had to sit down. I just laid there and laughed.

4th of July w/ the Family

4th of July was filled with Fun, Food, Family, Exploring and Heat!!! We had a great time with the family and making memories. We started off by going the the St. Anthony Falls and walked the bridge and enjoyed the beauty of Minnesota. We then went to the Taste of Minnesota which has lots of food and booths and rides and it was so hot. Then that evening we took a Fairy Boat Ride on the Mississippi River and Watched the Fireworks which was beautiful. And Thanks to Mom and all her hard work and planning we all had fun.

Minnesota Road Trip!!

This would be Chris very excited that he is passing a oversize 18 wheeler and two trucks at the same time on a two way road going 100 miles and hour. Little fast yeah but we made it.
So I was taking random pictures and in every picture I had many chins, so I took one that just explains it all. Round and Big in every place possible." Oh the Joy of being Pregnant!!!"
Chris relaxed, and going the speed limit, and having fun!!

This was a gas station we stopped at in Buffalo WY. Chris was so excited to see this! He had to take a picture and get a shirt. I have decided that this is the theme of our road trip. KUM&GO!

Chris trying on his 7th grade Basketball uniforms! WoW!Lauren and Becca at the Logan Temple!
Dixie Graduation! Chris and his BOY's GO DIXIE!!
Just incase you wanted a close up you got it!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Hello to everyone! Things are good here in the land of Dixie! Not much has changed just working and working. I am about 19 week along and we are way excited for the 21st of May. That is when we find out what we are having. Yes we know its a baby but we find out the sex of it. Let me know what you think we are having. Bethany you need to start thinking of a good nick name for our baby its cant be Hippo #2. My thoughts are that I have a high chance of a girl, hence my family and chris's, but part of me says its a boy. Then theres Chris he wants a Boy but he keeps telling himself that its a girl so he will be that much more excited. Well not much else going on just life and we are Loving it. Jus to remind you all on May 13th chris will be one more year old and wiser (haha) Jokes on him!!!!! Well we love you all. We are getting excited for July we are road tripping it out to Minnesota to see the Family we are way excited. Loves and Huggs

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hello everyone! Yes this is the Brinaghs, the not so smart ones with the computers, but we are learning. Well things are going well with us. Just working and working. But for Chris this last week it has just consisted of video games and cleaning the house, he has been on spring break for a week and he is not ready to go back. Mean while I have been working and having fun.
Life for us has been amazing. We have been married 5 months and time sure does fly by. It has been an amzing 5 month ride. On Jan 20th we found out that our little family is expanding and we are way excited. We are about 12 weeks along and wishing that we knew what it is but it is a test of our patience, more chris's than mine. We are looking forward to the many exciting changes that will happen in our life. The due date is October 2, 2007. We already have names picked out and they are Nelyana Debra Brinagh if its a girl and Tyrus Carter Brinagh if its a boy. We went to the Docters on Friday and heard the heart beat and did and ulta sound. It was and amazing experience. Part of the time I am laying there with my belly hanging out in all its glory and chris is on my left and Dr. Rogers is on my right and what are they talking about basketball, and because of that chris almost missed the heart beat it was funny. Well we will try and figure out the hole picture thing another time.