Today punya job nasib baik I confirm 1 aja sbb mlm ni supposedly ada dinner with my gf.
But suddenly canceled since 1 of the girls couldn't make it.
Thus, I am able to watch N9 vs Kelantan!!
I am on negri side since I'm from negri.
Hobin Jang Hobin!
Kick off is another 5 minz.
So meanwhile, I wanna update u for today's job.
It's for engagement @ Nilai.
It's for engagement @ Nilai.
As usual, yours truly has forgotten to capture the pix for "before".
Luckily I manage to have time for "after" :p
Miss Gorjaz has requested for heavy on the eyes & neutral for the rest of the features.
As for hair, she wanted it to slit to the side.
Miss Gorjaz is so happy and totally feel like a goddess.
Hihi.. yeah look at her dress~!
Lovely ain't it :)
After ..
All pictures taken are with direct flash.
Yet makeup didn't appear like what we called "tepung gomak".
Yet makeup didn't appear like what we called "tepung gomak".