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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

LEGO New Official Products-Flower Vase (Just available in France)

Source From: Brickset - http://www.brickset.com/news/article/?ID=980

Didier brings us news of a range of limited edition flower vase kits available in French florists. He says there are three different ones, available in three different chains of florists. They are individually numbered and only between 700 and 1150 of each are being made. He's sent pictures of two of them which I've added here.

You'll be relieved to hear that the kits also come with a glass or plastic container that fits inside them to hold the water: without it a vase made of LEGO would be as much use as a chocolate teapot :-)

Didier believes that Rene Hoffmeister, the German LEGO Certified Professional, designed them. Rene is a good friend of Brickset: he hosts our library of set images.

Expect to see some at eBay.fr going for extortionate prices soon...

Update: the third design is shown here: http://www.femmeactuelle.fr/jardin/plante-d-interieur__1/vases-en-lego-monceau-fleurs-00476/(page)/2. The page also confirms Rene as the designer.

Year 2011 Star Wars LEGO Series!


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Buy Mega Bloks Probuilder Bikes Set

The Mega Bloks Probuilder range was a series of incredibly detailed models based on Ships, Aircraft, Cars, Spaceships, Motorbikes etc released by Mega Bloks. These sets had an enormous amount of bricks and the models could take hours if not days to complete. These Probuilder sets are similar to Lego "Model Team" sets although they have slightly less bricks and tend to be built mostly from simple bricks. This makes them easier to construct

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

LEGO Mini Figurines---Series 3

Let all the LEGO fans first preview for the Series 3 Mini Figurines

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

New LEGO Set--Police Station Year 2011

LEGO Star Wars Diorama at LEGOLand Germany

According to the news report here (translated), LEGOLand Germany will have a special diorama section in Miniland devoted to LEGO Star Wars. Not only that, but it seems that it will be at minifig scale instead of the usual miniland scale. The new section is scheduled to open in June 2011.
Thanks to minicoop for the news!