Sunday, July 8, 2012

Fathers, Grandfathers, and Great Grandfathers...

We started off our summer by sending the fellas on a father and sons camp out. Even Grandpa go to come! And after lots of previously promised good behavior from Slater he got to go on his 1st trip with "just the boys." He was THRILLED!!! This is always one of the highlights of the summer for Mav, and I think it will be for Slater too. I should feel hurt that they love the fact that I am not there crashing the party making sure enough bug spray has been applied... But in all honesty it is always a great break for me too. Rhett and I enjoyed an evening out on the town. He was a perfect date! And the boys...

 They had the time of their life! After sleeping in a tent soundly all night they worked together to clean up camp and then Daddy took the boys on a hike. It was a beautiful day.
 And these cute boys love being with their Dad.

Since it is summer time again we get the pleasure of helping take care of Great Grandma and Grandpas yard. Our little buddies love going out there
 And I love that they are building relationships with their wonderful Great Grandparents.

For FATHER'S DAY we gave Brian a tent. It is huge. But we love it!
The weekend after it was opened we pitched it in our back yard and "camped out"
 (outside the tent)
(inside the tent)
It was soooo much fun!

Have I mentioned that I love the fun things we get to do when the weather is nice, and the people we get to do them with? LOVE IT!

I am also so very grateful for the fathers, Grandfathers, and Great Grandfathers that have impacted my life. And who are great examples for my boys of what a worthy priesthood holder is, and what truly great men are made of.  Happy Father's Day. I am so blessed!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

May, Marvelous May!

May is always a fun month. And this year didn't disappoint!

Bri and I got to attend his managers conference.
 We got to take this picture after an exciting evening of entertainment. Good times!

 2 birds decided our dryer vent was a great place to build a nest and lay their eggs. Sorry birdies... we didn't agree.

 Little do you realize that their are 4 individuals in this picture. YAY!!! Shane and Kenzie and big brother Dundee announced they are expecting their 1st baby on Mother's day. So exciting!!! They are due in December. Can't wait.

 Our favorite local pizza place to sit down and eat delicious bread sticks and pizza. "The Pizza Place". Our boys think the New York decorations are awesome. Especially the Statue of liberty. Had to get a picture.

 Super attractive... I know. but it was hilarious when Mav and I discovered how funny we both could look with my headbands on our faces. He makes me smile.

 These two also make me smile. They are always found in interesting places using their imaginations and having so much fun together. Yay for Brothers.
 It is hard to tell, but they are reading the Book of Mormon. This is a regular occurrence at our home. you have to remember that neither of them know how to read. Haha! It is funny to listen to all they "behold"s and "verily, verily"s, and "it came to pass"s that are repeated over and over while they "read" together. LOVE THEM!

Preschool Graduate

 Way to go Maverick!!!
 to celebrate we got to go to Red Robin with Mav's free kids meal that he got from school. It was a party!
So proud of Mav, and excited to have him around more for summertime!

Speaking of Summer time....
Let the good times begin!
 Zann, Rhett, Henry, Grandpa, and Tressa chillin' in the hammock
 The REAL Salt Lake Soccer Game
4-wheeling with Grandma Jan and Grandpa Keith

Bring on Summer Time!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

EASTER and other April awesomeness

We started off April by visiting a great new hot spot here in good old Utah. The City Creek Center. I thought it was absolutely beautiful. In a way I felt like I had left Utah and was visiting some hip, clean, tranquil place. I didn't step into any of the shops, we just checked it all out. The boys loved the fountains... and
This was their favorite statue. Yes, a skier. Their daddy would have been so proud
Here they are by the fountains
And here they are on the sky bridge with the temple behind.
It was a great day

Slater has become quite a good friend with Bailey while she has been with us
Here he is telling Bailey to stand up. He says "Up Bay" and she stands right up. She is SUPER obedient. And so TALL. Good thing he is on a stool. Haha!

Also in April Mav got to get his real cast on his broken arm...
He was SO brave getting the Hard Cast on. And of coarse he choose a blue one

We had to wrap his cast up to play soccer.

He still played really well with that big thing on, and managed not to hurt anyone with it

They had lots of eggs to gather in the morning

Then my 3 little men got their handsome on
and their daddy too.
We had my bro snap a family photo while we were at my family's Easter party
And I had to get a snapshot of these 2 adorable guys
Then we dyed some eggs
They turned out awesome

In other Random shots...
Slater with a smoothie mustache. He thought it was so funny
Boys with Bailey.

Mav got his cast removed.

And we got to hang out with our favorite new Utah relative

Aunt Reggie!!! And she let Slater help with the pretzel making. He was in Heaven

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happenings in March

Rhett climbed up on the stools, crawled across the counter, and sat himself into the sink so he could watch his brothers playing outside. Oh, brotherly Love.

 I made masking tape roads for the boys to drive cars on. Slater loved it. Thankfully it entertained him for a long time.

Maverick made this awesome "Book of Mormon Theater" out of a diaper box so he could put on puppet shows from the puppets we made from the people in the back of "the Friend" magazines. Then he put on Book of Mormon story shows for us. SO CUTE!

This is Bailey. She came to live with us for a few months. She belongs to my sisters family, but they are moving. So for now she belongs to us... for a bit. She is an awesome dog, and our boys adore her!

 And.... Mav decided to put our tramp to its proper use. Yes, he broke his arm. Neither Bri or I have ever broken any limbs. So we feel bad for the poor dude, but he is handeling it with his usual cheerful attitude.
All 3 boys had to have "casts" on while they watched the 1st saturday session of conference. Anything to be like big brother.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day 2012

My Lucky Charms

Oh, I love these boys of mine!
We had a fantastic "Green Day"

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Ides of March

My Handsome man is now a 30 year old.
To celebrate: I took his picture.
(he is the guy on the left... in case you were wondering)

I invited a bunch of peeps over to Par-tay!
This is only a few... Lets face it, I didn't take many pics

I hung up some old school pictures of him from back in the day. With "Top News" of what was happening in the world, and in his life at all different stages on his day of birth. Funny!
He blew out some candles. We ate strawberry shortcake - his favorite
It was fun! Thanks to all who came. And a special thanks to Bri's Mom: Thank you for bringing such an amazing man into this world, and raising him up, and giving him to me. And thanks to Brian for making it to age 30 so we could celebrate.

Happy 30 to you Brian! I Love ya!