My illustration, "The King" has been accepted into 3x3 Magazine's sixth annual 3x3 ProShow.
From 3x3 Magazine: To be accepted into the show an entry must receive the majority of the nine judge's votes, 5 out of 9. Only 14% of our nearly 2,000 entries made it into the show.
This year's judges included art directors Alexandre Lagoet, Saatchi & Saatchi, The Netherlands; Raban Ruddigkeit, Friestil, Germany; SooJin Buzelli, Planadvisor, US and Darlene Simidian, former art director ALA and illustrators Roman Klonek and Monica Aichele, Germany; Marco Ventura, Italy; Nate Williams, Argentina and Yuko Shimizu, US.
All winners will be included in the 3x3 Illustration Annual No. 6 due out later this year.
About 3x3 Magazine:
Introducing 3x3, the first magazine devoted entirely to the art of contemporary illustration. Three times a year we take an in-depth look at art and environment of three illustrators. We explore their influences. How they work with clients. How they got their first big break. Each article is written by a fellow illustrator who knows exactly what our audience wants to hear. From the U.S. to Europe, Asia, or wherever, we’ll stay tuned to what’s going on the world of illustration.We’ll feature four or more new talents in every issue, they might be right out of school or are just now beginning to make a name for themselves or illustrators we find that have a truly unique take on the art of illustration. Plus we’ll showcase the recent work of as many as sixteen of the best illustrators in every issue. Selection will be by invitation only. And we’ll even offer signed original artwork or prints for sale. All in all it’ll be eighty pages of the best illustration has to offer, including guest articles by artist reps Vicki Morgan and Gail Gaynin, a feature on a living artist who has made and impact on the industry, an in-depth look at a recent advertising campaign that has successfully used illustration and an ongoing feature where we ask our featured artists the same twenty questions. 3x3 will be published three times each year: Fall/Winter, Spring and Summer.
Our Mission
Our mission is to spotlight the best international artists working today and encourage a new focus on the use of illustration by the advertising and design communities.