May 18, 2021

Henry is born

Henry was born at 1:57pm, one week after his due date. He weighed a whole pound bigger than our biggest baby, 8lb 12oz! We went in early at 6:30 and started Pitocin at 8. My nurse increased the dose by 4 every half hour so I was on the max dose (20) after 2 hours. I labored for about 4 hours at the max dose and around 1:00 I felt like I had to be ready. The contractions were so intense I wasn't able to relax my body at all and was really struggling to get through. I figured it had to be time. I told my midwife that I thought I getting close but I was only at a 6. I didn't want to keep going with that kind of pain for another 2 hours so I asked for an epidural. The anesthesiologist came in about 15 minutes later and it was such a relief! The nurse checked me again as soon as he left and I was at a 10. Henry was born just minutes later! Luckily I could still feel the contractions so I knew when to push. Paul announced that it was a baby boy and we knew he was a Henry right away. We are feeling that Henry is our little caboose. I think he finishes our family. We love him so much and are so happy he is here and healthy. 

All of April

We had preschool graduation at the end of April. (We had to end preschool a month early due to baby). It was a fun celebration of all we've learned this year. Clark is excited for kindergarten this fall. We just need to keep up with his reading this summer! 

Braden started baseball last month too. He told me he's only in it for the snack they give out after practice. Haha oh well, he's having fun. 

I got a Bosch for my birthday and it's the BEST. 

I got to go get a pedicure with a friend. 

We've been loving the warmer weather. These boys were twins at the park the other day. 

For Easter we read about Christ in the scriptures all week and put up our pictures. We watched conference and had friends over for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. 

Due date came and went :) Olivia and Pierre drove down to stay with us a few days before baby Henry was born.