Henry was born at 1:57pm, one week after his due date. He weighed a whole pound bigger than our biggest baby, 8lb 12oz! We went in early at 6:30 and started Pitocin at 8. My nurse increased the dose by 4 every half hour so I was on the max dose (20) after 2 hours. I labored for about 4 hours at the max dose and around 1:00 I felt like I had to be ready. The contractions were so intense I wasn't able to relax my body at all and was really struggling to get through. I figured it had to be time. I told my midwife that I thought I getting close but I was only at a 6. I didn't want to keep going with that kind of pain for another 2 hours so I asked for an epidural. The anesthesiologist came in about 15 minutes later and it was such a relief! The nurse checked me again as soon as he left and I was at a 10. Henry was born just minutes later! Luckily I could still feel the contractions so I knew when to push. Paul announced that it was a baby boy and we knew he was a Henry right away. We are feeling that Henry is our little caboose. I think he finishes our family. We love him so much and are so happy he is here and healthy.
9 years ago