We put up all the stockings, plus one for the baby. That's a lot of stockings! We've had fun with something new in our gingerbread house each day. Sometimes it's for Light the World and sometimes it's a little activity like getting the Christmas lego train out.
Jean-Pierre and Olivia and baby Pierre came at the beginning of the month for Christmas baking. We made some good progress on our Christmas baking list. It all goes in the freezer and then when we are ready to pass out treats to neighbors to take it out and put it in these cute boxes. We also made cinnamon bread for neighbors. My cute little helpers made quite a few deliveries!
Our Christmas date looked a little different this year. We masked up and went to Susie's basketball game, then dropped Susie off and headed out for dinner. Then we drove through the Layton city park lights.
We got to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa West this month too. We had a fun day at their house. It's so nice to have them closer. We made a little store bought gingerbread house (don't tell my sisters-in-law who all make their gingerbread homemade). It was fun to be together.
I've had some fun crafting this month for gifts. I made ornaments for friends, a quilt for Susie for Christmas (shhh!), we made CTR ornaments for all the Primary kids, and I made pillows for family members with my Grandma's shirts. We are all missing her this holiday season.
My brother graduated from nursing school! Hurray! We weren't able to go to the ceremony but we watched it online. I took Braden and Susie and we drove Olivia down to Cedar for Christmas. JP can't come until Christmas Eve. We did some baking and mom signed us up to ring the bell for the Salvation Army.