I had a fun birthday at home with my family. I got to go for a nice run in the morning (to make room for lots of treats). I had fun making yummy treats for a tea party. We had macaroons and carrot cupcakes and crotinis with brie and turkey tortilla roll ups and apple juice. I put diet coke in one of the tea pots for me haha.
I had friends drop by with a gift or a treat. We had fun sharing these crumble cookies, yum!
We have been preparing for a special General Conference to commemorate the 200th year since Joseph Smith's first vision. We studied the restoration and the priesthood and Joseph Smith's life. We made a poster with the kids of the blessings we have because of the restoration.
We made belgian waffles on Conference Sunday and had a conference packet for the kids to do. We were grateful for all the wonderful messages that were given and felt uplifted and inspired. I loved watching my children participate in the hosanna shout. I know God is mindful of all His children.
We had fun celebrating Easter week. We celebrated the passover by watching the Ten Commandments (we do this every year with a snack food feast). We read scriptures each day of the Holy Week and put up pictures of Jesus for each day.
We dyed eggs, filled Easter baskets, and had an egg hunt around the house.
Paul had to work Easter Sunday which was a bummer but we tried to make it a special day. I made the kids dress up for a picture (which they did not like one bit) and then we went Easter caroling to a few people. We practiced I Feel My Savior's Love and He is Risen throughout the week and sang \for a Aunt Sarah and Chante's family and one other family in our ward. Singing with my kids was probably my favorite part of the day.
We built an epic fort and watched videos about the Savior (and Meet the Robinson's haha).
We made a ham and cheesy potato Easter dinner and waited till Paul got home to eat together. It was a good day. I love Easter because of what it means. Without Easter there really wouldn't be much meaning or point to any of the other holidays or special times. Because of Christ's atonement every day has meaning, every day has purpose, and we have hope in Him.