One of the best parts about summer is visiting family. We went up to Idaho to see some of my extended family that we haven't seen in awhile. We stopped at a few cemeteries to visit graves of grandparents my children haven't known. We visited with Aunt Florence, who turned 88 just the day before our visit. We visited with Uncle Jr at Artic Circle, and stopped by to see Aunt Ludene and Uncle Alan and Uncle Claude and Aunt Jane. We brought everyone homemade raisin filled cookies and they were a big hit.
We stayed at Grandma Hildreth's house and went camping in Diamond Creek the next day. The kids loved the 4 wheelers and the horses and seeing Uncle Lynn and Aunt Glenna. The kids climbed the big hill next to the horse shed over and over again. They had so much fun. Grandma and Grandpa made us a big pancake and eggs and sausage breakfast before we packed up and headed out.
This bat crawled up our screen canopy!
The boys went home while Susie and I went and stayed at Aunt Livy's new house. We went to her pinning ceremony on Monday and her commencement on Tuesday. We had a fun family dinner one night and went out for lunch the next day. It was a lot of fun. We are so proud of Olivia! She's worked really hard to get her degree in nursing.