December 22, 2019

Oh What Fun!

We made a little advent calendar for this month. We have Light the World ideas for each day and some Christmas activities here and there too. Here's a bunch of pictures of the fun we've had all month. 

The kids sang for our ward Christmas party. 

Olivia came up earlier this month for our first ever annual Christmas baking weekend. It was a great time! We made black eyed susans, chocolate peppermint kiss cookies, buddy the elf mix, toffee, and pretzel kisses. 

We went to the Festival of Trees in Sandy while she was here too. So many beautiful trees!

This is one activity we won't be doing next year, nativity scenes out of candy. Not kid friendly and not easy. The stable collapsed about 10 times and the kids weren't able to build much. 

We went on a family date so the kids could spend the money they've saved for Christmas gifts. We went to Pizza Pie Cafe too and Santa was there! What luck! Susie didn't really want to sit on his lap (non-believer) until she saw the free candy cane :) 

We also did some Christmas baking at my best friends house. Chante and I made more toffee and peppermint patties. 

Susie had a piano recital. Samantha came and even brought her flowers. She did so good! Samantha is pregnant, due in May. She's having a little boy and we're so excited.

Paul and I scored tickets to the Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert. It was beautiful!

Christmas party with friends 

Painting nutcrackers with the kids

Christmas light drive and hot chocolate 

December 12, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

There was some bad snowy weather around Thanksgiving so we weren't sure we were going to make it to Cedar City. Luckily we did! We were grateful to spend some time with family that we love. I loved hanging out with my nephew Ty. He is so sweet with the kids and they love spending time with him. He has such a good heart and I love being around him. I was in charge of rolls and pies. I made a mixed berry and my first ever lemon meringue (Grandpa's favorite). 

We went and saw Frozen 2, which was actually kind of a bust :/ Clark was excited though. He loves Frozen and he had been talking about seeing the new one with Grandma for weeks. 

Susie was pretty excited that she beat her uncle in Connect 4. It was great to spend some time with my brother. 

We helped mom put up a few Christmas decorations while we were there. It was a great little trip. 

November 11, 2019

Halloween Fun

I better get this Halloween post done before Thanksgiving! We had lots of fun in October. We took a trip up to Idaho Falls and stayed one night at Aunt Livy's new house. We watched her favorite Halloween movie, Halloween Town and went to a Trunk or Treat with some old friends who also live in IF. On the way home we stopped in Pocatello to see my Aunt Renee. We haven't seen her since Susie was 4! It was a nice little visit. 

Here's some of the fun we had for Halloween:

Having the Lloyds over for dinner

Making ghosty cookies 

Enjoying fall weather at the park with Chick-Fil-A for dinner

Our neighborhood halloween party

the Syracuse pumpkin walk

Carving pumpkins 

Trick or Treating with Grandma and Grandpa Garbett

Making spiders at preschool

On Halloween day we had a fun preschool party, went to the kids' school parade and trick or treated. Paul had to work late so we ventured out in the  cold on our own. We made it a little over an hour and then took the freezing baby home haha.