November 11, 2013

My Cute Kids

When I look at pictures of Susanna when she was a baby I forget that they are Susanna and not Braden because I think they look so much alike. But then I put two pictures side by side and they don't look as much alike as I thought. They have their similarities but are definitely unique. 

Braden is 3 1/2 months old. He is such a wonderful baby. He has been sleeping about 11 hours at night. (cue the Hallelujah chorus). It's nothing short of fantastic!! He is snuggling and smiley and loves his mama. For some reason the camera makes him nervous so I don't have as many smiles on record as I'd like but he smiles all the time and I take lots of mental pictures. Yesterday in church Braden was sitting in Daddy's lap and they both looked so handsome. Paul was wearing his shirt and tie under a nice gray sweater and Braden was wearing his cute Khakis with a collared, button up shirt. I made sure to take a mental picture of my handsome boys sitting in church together. Braden is on a good schedule. It's the same schedule Susie was on at his age. He naps twice a day and after his second nap we try to keep him up until bedtime which is about 7:30 or 8. He loves being talked to and snuggled with. He loves watching Susie and smiles big whenever she talks to him or plays with him. He has rolled over a few times which is exciting! Oh how we love our Braden! 

Susanna is doing great as well. I can't believe she will be 3 in February. We started a free Mommy and Me preschool class in our home with a few of our other toddler friends. We are learning ABCs, colors, shapes, numbers, songs, how to use scissors and glue.. simple things like that. We have a lot of play time too. Susie hasn't been too interested in learning her letters but she knows a few and is learning more. She loves dressing up and knows almost all the Disney princesses. She's a girly, girl for sure. She won't let me touch her after I've worked out- she says "Mom sweaty! No touch me!" She listens to her mom and is pretty obedient most of the time. When I tuck her in at night she loves singing primary songs and talking together about what we will do tomorrow. She loves her daddy and misses him when he is gone. Paul works 6 days a week so he is gone a lot. Yesterday morning before church, Paul had to go to meetings and she said, "Daddy don't leave me!" What a sweet girl!





Looks like Braden and Susie both like playing cards, too.