February 27, 2013

Half Marathon

So, I thought it would be really cool to do a half marathon pregnant. My sister is law, Trixie, was my inspiration. :) She ran one about half way through her pregnancy and we got together for Thanksgiving right afterwards. She was telling me about it and I had just found out I was pregnant, and I thought---sounds fun! I had just run a half marathon myself so I thought it would be no problem. 

Then I got really sick. I wasn't sick with Susanna at all so I didn't think this was going to be a problem. I was nauseous and tired to the point of exhaustion until about 14 weeks. Then things got better and I still had a month before the marathon to work back up to 13 miles.

There were a couple long runs when I had some bad cramps and I was a little worried. I talked to my doctor about it and she gave me some good advice. I made sure I was very hydrated before each long run and worked on my breathing to ensure I was getting enough oxygen. 

I felt ready the day of the race but was still a little nervous. It went so well though! I was able to keep a good pace and even picked it up a little after mile 10. I came in only 15 minutes later than my time in November (not pregnant). This was my 4th half marathon and I can't wait to do another. I'm even thinking maybe a full marathon next year? Do I dare?! 

This is me after the race so I look real cute. I'm 17 weeks pregnant here.

February 17, 2013

Valentines Day: 14 Days of Service

This Valentines Day, Paul and I decided that to celebrate we would give each other one special act of service each day for 14 days. It sounded like a great idea and we were both excited to get started come February 1st. After the first couple of days we realized we were both already running out of ideas! I took to my notepad and brainstormed all the things I could think of that Paul might like. It helped to have my ideas for the remaining 14 days jotted down! I took a few pictures of the services we did, most of them aren't pictured. 

A few of the services Paul did for me were:
waking up with Susie so I could sleep in (he does this a lot!)
a romantic note 
making dinner for the family, a night off!
back rubs and foot rubs (my favorite!)
doing all the house cleaning 
bringing home flowers 

Some of the services I did for him were:
making poppyseed muffins
weeding and mowing the lawn (eh)
making hamburgers for dinner (his favorite.. I don't like them so I've never make them!)
making (eh-- attempting) jello legos
a V-day decoration for our house 
a big Valentines breakfast (you'd think heart shaped pancakes wouldn't be so hard!)

So yeah, a lot of mine involved food. Mother did always say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. It was really a fun thing to do though. Besides having trouble coming up with stuff, it was nice to be thinking about thoughtful things we could do for each other. I know I appreciate all that Paul does for me. It helps me to feel closer to him and taken care of. I know making service a priority for my marriage helps me to be a better wife. And it makes me happier, too! 

A pinterest triumph!!!

A pinterest FAIL!!! 

We all had breakfast together early on Valentines Day. I got Susie a monkey ballon at the dollar store and between that and the syrup covered pancakes, she had a pretty good morning. :) She loved that ballon! Later that day her Dad came home from school and surprised her with a Nemo stuffed fish. Oh boy! No wonder she likes Daddy best. 

February 13, 2013

Our Baby Boy

We found out Thanksgiving Day that we were expecting another baby. We were so excited! We were in North Carolina celebrating Thanksgiving with Paul's family and we told everyone. I know it is better to wait... that kind of made me nervous. But it looks like it's going to work out. I was pretty sick most of December and all of January (not to mention TIRED!). I wasn't sick at all with Susie so this was new for me. There were days in January with preschool and babysitting when I felt like I wasn't going to be able to do it all. But January ended and I started feeling better and getting my energy back.

Monday we got to go in and have an ultrasound to find out the gender. It was a special experience. I felt as I watched him move around that this was a very special spirit we would be blessed with. I feel so close to my little boy already. Susie loved the ultrasound. I'm not sure how to gets it but she kept saying, "Wow!! Baby? Wow, mama. Baby?" She wouldn't let Paul or I touch the ultrasound pictures after they were printed. They are hers, apparently. I think she will be a great big sister. We all love our little boy so much already. 

I love this little face! We went to Chick Fil A with some friends and Susie finally summoned the courage to brave the slide. Then she went down, over, and over, and over, and over again. Until she screamed as I put in her in the car. :) I love being able to be home with her. We have lots of fun talks. She loves all of the kids that come and play. She would rather play with them than with me! Which I guess is kind of nice! 

We have lots to be happy about. Phoenix winter weather is hard to beat. With the sun always shining it's easy to always have a smile on! We'll see if I can keep smiling this summer, 9 months pregnant, in 120 degree weather. That might not be so happy! 

I hope everyone has a great Valentines Day!