So, I thought it would be really cool to do a half marathon pregnant. My sister is law, Trixie, was my inspiration. :) She ran one about half way through her pregnancy and we got together for Thanksgiving right afterwards. She was telling me about it and I had just found out I was pregnant, and I thought---sounds fun! I had just run a half marathon myself so I thought it would be no problem.
Then I got really sick. I wasn't sick with Susanna at all so I didn't think this was going to be a problem. I was nauseous and tired to the point of exhaustion until about 14 weeks. Then things got better and I still had a month before the marathon to work back up to 13 miles.
There were a couple long runs when I had some bad cramps and I was a little worried. I talked to my doctor about it and she gave me some good advice. I made sure I was very hydrated before each long run and worked on my breathing to ensure I was getting enough oxygen.
I felt ready the day of the race but was still a little nervous. It went so well though! I was able to keep a good pace and even picked it up a little after mile 10. I came in only 15 minutes later than my time in November (not pregnant). This was my 4th half marathon and I can't wait to do another. I'm even thinking maybe a full marathon next year? Do I dare?!
This is me after the race so I look real cute. I'm 17 weeks pregnant here.