January 23, 2011

The belly at 35 weeks

This picture is 31 weeks

Baby Shower
My mom came up in last week to give me a family baby shower. I had aunts and cousins and sisters all there. It was a blast! And I got a lot of great stuff. My good friend Chante also threw me a shower this week- it was beautiful. She went to a lot of work and it turned it out great. I'm grateful for all my family and friends! Babies need a lot of stuff. Whew! I think we've got most of what we need: a crib (mother-in-law), a car seat (sister-in law), a diaper bag, tons on clothes (my aunts) and so much more. Thank you everyone!

Christmas with the Bradens
Paul and I got to spend a good week with my family which was a lot of fun. I feel so lucky that we live close enough that I can see them often! Tiffany set up this whole Star Wars themed Christmas gift. She had a life size Darth Vader and a dry ice mist on Christmas morning with the Star Wars music playing in the background when Ty got up. He got a light saber from Santa which is immediately began using on everyone. My favorite thing was-- the first time Tiffany told him not to hit anyone with it, Ty looked at the light saber and back at her and said, "But mom...it's a light saber." Ha! What else is he supposed to do with it? I was like- yeah Tiffany-- Hello-- he's a Jedi.