November 14, 2010

What will she be like?

Brianna Sue 6 months

Paul William 3 yrs. (I think..)

We had a little bit of a scare two weeks ago. Little girl has been really active ever since I first felt her kick (which was pretty much the coolest moment in my life). I started to get worried during the school day when I hadn't felt her kick in several hours. She is the most active in the evening so I was careful all night to pay close attention. Nothing. I woke up, went to the gym, turned my music up loud, layed on my side, praying that I would feel something. Still nothing. Now it had been 24 hours and I was starting to panic. I have a good friend who works in Labor and Delivery and so I called her admist my tears thinking that she would just tell me it's completley normal to go 24 hours without feeling the baby. She didn't- she said the go straight to the hospital. I was sure there was something wrong. Paul and I went immediatley. I changed and they did an ultrasound. I saw her heart beating-- first wave of relief. She wasn't moving though so the nurse took a sound intrusment which Paul and I call "the taser" and put it on my belly. It made a loud buzzing sound. Oh boy. She did not like ethat. I have never felt her kick so hard! She proceeded to thrash around violently for another 20 minutes. Shame on us for interuppting her long nap! I was sure to tell her that she got exactly what she deserved. If she doesn't want to be tasered she better not go another 24 hours without moving. I think she knows who's the mom now because she has been a good girl ever since-- kicking all throughout the day. I love my little girl!

We've been thinking a lot about what she will be like when she comes. Will she look like me? Will she look like Paul? What will her personality to be like? I've always thought that it would be fun to have a girl who was just like me but the more I think about it, the more I hope she takes after Paul. Paul is so easy to get along with. He loves family more than anything, is loyal, obedient, and honest. Paul seems to think she is going to be a daddy's girl... we'll see about that.

October 13, 2010

The Growing Belly

This is 20 weeks...

and this is 21!