Friday, July 30, 2010

Our little man has arrived...

Townley Joshua Brian

July 14 @ 8:37 pm

5 lbs 13 oz 20 inches

I made the poor nurse who was checking me in take my picture real quick. I'm sad to say this is the only side view picture I have of myself pregnant this time.

When I get induced it takes me all day to have my babies! It isn't a day full of rough labor or anything it is just lets see how much pitocin we can give her and have her not dilate a bit! I know now, after the second time, that nothing happens with me until my water is broken! So here is Rob and I chillin at the hospital!

I just have to say I am so grateful we get to have our babies at the hospital with doctors and nurses who know what they are doing! Shortly before Townley was born some things got a bit crazy. Rob went downstairs to get a bite to eat and my machine started to alarm. I had my mom see what was beeping and she said it was my blood pressure. Soon my nurse was in adjusting my cuff and taking it again and that bottom number was still low. Next thing I knew there was an anesthesiologist in the room with her, I had oxygen on my face and they were checking my pressure over and over. The bottom number kept going lower and lower. It got down to 25 (80 is normal) at one point. They gave me medicine 3 different times and there was still no change in the pressure. What was scaring me was that every time I had a contraction little T's heart rate was dropping. The nurse decided just to check me and see where I was at...sure enough I was a 10 and ready to go! So she said forget the bad blood pressure and his heart rate dropping lets just get him out, so she went and called my doctor. They got me all set up my doc arrived and a new problem emerged-Townley was facing up instead of face down. My doc tried several times to turn him and each time he would just flip back over. I was getting nervous that he wouldn't turn and they would have to use the vacuum to get him out! These are the moments you are glad you are with your doctor and a doctor you trust! I love Dr. Arrington he stays so calm and helps me keep calm too! After a few more tries he got Towns to turn and we were in business! In 10 minutes we met our sweet boy for the first time!
I couldn't believe my eyes at first! I had Dr. Arrington lay him on my belly and Townley was so long he reached all the way across my stomach but there sure wasn't much to him! When they finally weighed him and said 5.13 I ABOUT DIED! I couldn't believe I had a 5 lb baby, as you can see from the picture he was plenty long just not a lot of meat on his bones! We kept saying he is all arms and legs and it's the truth!!
I was just so grateful that he arrived healthy after his rough journey! I just can't believe how instant the love you feel for your kids is!My kids look JUST like their dad when they are born!Rob went and picked Blake up to come meet Townley! She zonked out in the car and slept for and hour at the hospital before she woke up to meet him. She couldn't have been cuter! She was so excited to meet him, wanted to hold him, and then just kept kissing him on the head and telling him how cute he was. It was such a perfect and special moment and one I won't ever forget!
First Family Photo!
Blake requested a "bracelet" that showed she was the big sister. Our sweet nurse Megan found one that was just her size. Blake was so cute she held Townley several times that day, wanted to help every time we changed his diaper, and even wanted to help me while I nursed him! What a good Big Sis!

I love this picture of Townley, he is already so much bigger than he was here...such and tiny little guy!

Barely fits in his car seat!
First bath at home (I'm sleep deprived :))
More hugs and kisses from Big Sis Blakers

Bathed and ready for bed!

B vs T
These 2 look a lot a like! Blake was an inch shorter than Towns at birth and 2 lbs heavier so other than her just being chunkier I think they look pretty similar...

So happy to have our little man here! Life is completely crazy with 2 kids! I feel like I go non-stop all day but have nothing to show for it at the end of the day! Oh well, I am so grateful for both of my kids and for the sweet addition that Townley is to our family!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Beav!!

Camp Beaver is my favorite family reunion!! It is held every other year and we usually go up to "Camp Beaver" but earlier this year it got vandalized and we had to find an alternate place last minute. So it was held in good old West Weber and Warren, it was still lots of fun!
Blake was only 9 months old last Camp Beaver and couldn't participate in all the fun, this time she was lots older and I think after just a few days she loves it just as much as I do! The Thompson family is up to 214 members now, we are getting so big it is crazy. I think having so many people is what makes this family reunion so fun and so special!

Here is some photos from Casino Night

Blake playing "gator." If you step on the wood the gators will get you!!

Blake #180 absolutely LOVES her "Thompson Shirt" she would wear it daily if I would let her. She has been waiting 2 years to get a new one. Her old one, which she still wears btw, is the one that she got when she was 9 mo old. So the moment of her getting her new shirt was an exciting one!

Here she is so excited about it and we are all glad it doesn't show her belly like her old one!

Blakes and Lily playing ring around the rosie

The next day were the Thompson Olympics. We start with a torch run from my Great Grandparents grave to the Warren Park. This picture of Rob and Blake running the torch honestly MELTS my heart! When it was her turn my little gal grabbed that torch and took off! She loved it!!

Blake got to participate in a few races in her age category. Some of you have seen my little Blakeley run in person, for others of you let me tell you...her arms and face make it look like she is running at the speed of light...her actual pace however is anything but quick! She is a bit slow but her determination couldn't be cuter!!

Blake in the 2yr old race

Blake doing the "hurdles"

This has to be the single BEST picture I have taken of my daughter in her life thus far! I will cherish this picture forever because it shows just how "serious" she is about these races. As I said before looking at her face you would think she was the fastest kid out there, but looks can be deceiving :)

It makes me laugh every time I see it!!!

Masen and Blakeley showing off their medals from the races.

It was a hot day they had some buckets of water, sponges, and squirt guns for the kids to play with. The kids had a blast cooling off! Blakeley had fun "cleaning" this chair with the water!

I am so proud to be a member of the Thompson Family. Some of the greatest people I know are Thompsons! My great grandparents were wonderful people and great examples to me and anyone who knew them.

The 3rd and 5th of July :)

We got to celebrate Independence Day twice this year! On the 3rd we celebrated in Plain City and in Farr West on the 5th! Lots of fun both days I was especially happy for the cool weather on the 3rd since I was 9 mo pregnant and all!!

Charlee and Addy invited Blake to ride in the Parade with them! Blakeley was so excited... Rob not so much, maybe that is why he is hiding :)
Excited for the "P-rade" to startwe always have a yummy BBQ and fireworks at Nat & Joe's house. Here is Blakeley before she decided the fireworks were "too scary" and hid on Grannie Jans lap, under the blanket for the rest of them! Later she informed us she doesn't like fireworks in the street only in the sky!

Farr West Parade
She made a haul!!
After the parade we ate at Jeremiahs for breakfast. Then somehow Rob managed to talk me into going swimming. We had fun, my apologies to everyone who weren't expecting to see lady 9 days away from giving birth in a swimsuit at the pool!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Spring Pictures

Blakeley had her pictures taken. They turned out AWESOME! I love them so much, her photographer Cathy took us to this awesome tulip garden. It wasn't the best day and Blake was a bit of a stinker the whole time but thanks to Cathy's awesome skills you would never know it!
Some of the pictures are above in my blog header and here is another one of my favorites...

Click here to see my darling daughter and more of Cathy's amazing work!

I love my little girl I sure wish she would stop growing up so fast!

Every time I tell her to "Stop growing!"

She says "...but I yike to grow!"

"I want to grow bigger and bigger and go on the school bus!"

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lagoon:lots of fun...and much more to come!

We took our first trip to Lagoon! Blake had a great time naturally. Rob aka "Disneyland Dad" (thanks Ashlee for teaching me that term; it describes Rob perfectly!) used his extra money to buy us Lagoon passes this year. I'm still not sure who is more exited about it, Rob or Blake! He is such a kid at heart. Blake had some fun...

...and she also learned that sometimes rides can be scary! She begged and begged to go on the Dinosaur Drop ride (shown here!) You can see she is all smiles before. This ride is like the Rocket. It takes you up and then drops you. Oh how quickly she learned that she didn't like this ride at all! I had to turn around, I couldn't watch-she cried the whole time. It made her a little apprehensive of some rides for the rest of the day! We keep teasing her about the "egg ride" being her favorite and she replies "no, I don't yike that wide!" Poor girl! We had a fun day and it wore her right out which is always nice. We are hoping this will be a fun activity Rob and Blakes can do when I need some alone time with the babe!

Celebrating Josh!!

Memorial Day was extra special this year! Our first one since Josh passed away. It was great to all go visit him together as a family.

It is such a pain to get a good picture of these kids so
tried having them be silly to see if that would help!

Rob brought each of the kids a balloon to send to Josh in Heaven. It was cute because we told the kids to let their balloons go and they all looked at us like we were crazy! So Rob asked them where is Josh? Hudson (4) said right there in the ground (pointing to his grave.) Rob reminded them that though Josh's body is in the ground his spirit is in Heaven. So that is why we are going to let our balloons go so they can float up to Josh in Heaven. After hearing that the kids were all excited to let them go. We counted to 3 and then they let them go, they loved watching them float away until they couldn't see them anymore!

Six little balloons for Uncle Josh. It was very sweet!


It was my Happy Birthday over Memorial Weekend so it was filled with lots of fun! We had our annual Costley Family Stay-cation that weekend too. For lunch on my Bday we went to Costa Vida and Fat Cats (cause apparently it was Blakeley's Bday) Just kidding, we really did go there but it was because she has the time of her life there so it makes it fun for everyone!! Here are some pictures of her at Fat Cats. She is crazy about the Merry Go Round, played a few other games, and was so excited that she got so many tickets cause they were "taller" than her!

We went to dinner at Pizzeria with my family and then kicked off the Stay-cation by celebrating my bday! Rob was the Ping Pong Champion this year!

That night we roasted marshmallows and made smores. The guys got up early on Saturday for a golf tourney and then we met them at Jeremiah's for breakfast! So so yummy!

We went swimming at the Clearfield Aquatic Center. Here are Joss and Blakes in their suits that Grannie Sheryl gave them for Easter!Blake waiting for the slide, she didn't want me to take the picture until she went down the slide, so she was mad and wouldn't smile...and Rob...he just likes to fuel the fire!!
She loves to slide with Dad!
The girls had a great time swimming! Blakeley spent most of her time in Josslyn's floaty. It was shaped like a Jet Ski and Blake thought is was lots of fun!!
The girls flew Balloon "Kites" it was kind of windy so the balloons didn't want to fly too high!

Blake doing a Memorial Day Tribute Dance for us.
The girls got to plant a pumpkin. They are going to help them grow and then they can have them to carve this Fall! I thought this was such a cute idea and Blakeley and Papa go out to water/check on them every time we go to my parents! Blakeley planted one for Townley too!

Putting in her marking stick

Joss planting her pumpkin.

Watering the pumpkins...

My parents have a cute little birds nest in their tree with baby birds in it. I love this picture of Blakeley checking it out!!

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