Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lindsay's baptism

The biggest news this week was that Lindsay got baptized yesterday (on her 8th birthday).  It was a really sweet meeting.  Brian’s Mom and Dad came up and each gave a talk.  Kara gave the opening prayer and Matthew gave the closing prayer.  Brian did the baptizing and confirming.  Lindsay was (and is) beautiful.  I will attach pictures. 
Well, we are mostly unpacked.  I think we have about 2 boxes in the basement left and three boxes in the garage left (those boxes don’t really need to be unpacked yet though- so basically we are done unpacking).  We have piles to organize or find spots for though, so we aren’t exactly done, but we are getting close.  Hopefully next week we will be done. 
We also went to Bay Beach Friday.  It was a nice day, and the kids had a really good time.  It is a really inexpensive amusement park.  We only spent $20, and had plenty of tickets.  We went with another family in the ward.  The Rau family has two boys about Matthew’s age and an older one.    I was glad we had another family to go with because there were a couple rides I couldn’t go on that the kids wanted to go on, but needed an adult- who isn’t pregnant. 
Thursday, we went to see Seth and Lindsay’s elementary school.  It seems like a very nice school, and I hope they will be happy there.  I am a bit sad that Seth will be going to Kindergarten all day, but oh well.  We also went to see Epic at the $2 movies.  The kids really enjoyed it.  We also went swimming two times this week.  It has been pretty cool (highs in the lower 70s) the past few weeks.  It has been great for our air conditioning bill, but not the best swimming weather.  So it was nice to have a few warm days to get out and go swimming before the pool closed for the season.  The pool has been a lot of fun for us this summer.  I am sad it is closing already, especially because this week there are supposed to be some pretty warm days (at least warm for Wisconsin) that would be perfect for swimming.  We will have to see if other pools are still open, I guess. 
I am finally getting to the point in my pregnancy where I am getting worn out and tired and sore.  It is harder to sleep at night, and I have to wake up to roll over.  I am also always surprised at how big my stomach is by this point.  It makes me giggle when my kids come and tell me how big the baby is getting, or when Elise tells me how big and fat my belly is getting.  It is funny now, but in a few more weeks when there isn’t a baby in my belly, it just might make me cryJ.  Oh well.  We are excited to welcome a new baby into our family, but we still don’t have a name picked out.  I have a favorite and Brian does, too, I think, but we haven’t made any decisions, and neither of us is really set on our favorite.  
 Lindsay and Brian
 The whole family
 Is this one better or worse?
We are glad Grandma and Grandpa were there.