Welcome to Our Blog!

I try to keep up with the happenings of life, but lately that seems impossible. I will try to add new recipes, so if you like to try new ones (especially desserts) check out the right hand side. Otherwise, WELCOME!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Yesterday I spent most of the day working at a warehouse book fair, stocking books.  I really enjoyed the day.  I went with a friend and saw two more friends when we arrived.  It was fun working and talking with them.  I really enjoyed stocking the books, not because it is oh so fun to stock shelves; but, because it kept me busy, and I saw so many books I would like to own or read to my kids or for myself, and  at the end of the day I could see all I accomplished.  It was also nice to be told what a hard worker I was (it was not the reason I did it, but unexpected and nice)!  
The company was very gracious and gave me over the amount of money I earned in books.  I came home with a box full of a variety of wonderful books.  
The thing I hated about yesterday was, asking someone else to watch Kaze.  Even though my dear friend who watched her was so gracious and sweet about it.  I knew I didn’t have to worry about my kids in the lest.  I missed being with them.  I didn’t like not being there when they arrived home from school, or to hear about their day.  I didn’t like not making and eating dinner with them.  It was hard coming home at their bed time and knowing I still had dishes to wash, a house to straighten, homework to look at, and to go through the bed time routine.  I hated not being able to listen to all their stories and to be too rushed to enjoy them.  I wake them so early that letting them stay up too late wasn’t a good idea especially since it happens too often as it is, planned or not.  As fun as it was to work, I love too much being a part of my kid’s lives.
I am very lucky, blessed would be a better word, to be a stay home mom.  I love my husband for encouraging and supporting me in this.  I sometimes look forward to the day I can go to work.  It might be when I feel under appreciated, or when Kaze is being more difficult then usual, but even then, I cherish the time I have with my kids.  They grow up too fast!  I love each stage they have been through but already morn the ones they’ve past.  I love the busy days when I get so much accomplished but I treasure my lazy days when I can sit and hold my kids in my lap and watch movies or just listen to them talk.  There is something so rewarding in watching your kids play and getting along, and knowing they are your kids. That they are good and they love each other and YOU had a hand in that.  I know my kids love me.  I enjoy the notes they make me and being told, “You’re the best Mom we ever had.”  
Yesterday was fun and I hope to do it again sometime, but I love being home with my kids and want to tell them thank you for who they are!  To Brett, thank you for being the best husband and Dad we have ever had!

My friend has this on her fridge. "The privilege to work is a gift, the power to work is a blessing, and the love of work is success."  Whatever the work whether being a Mom at home or out of the house, I pray we can LOVE what we do.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Community @ its best!

This really has nothing to do with what I was going to write about, but I thought it was funny.  I just wish you could see Brett's face better and the expression he has.  
This is in our back pasture.  Our sheep have been getting out everyday for the last two weeks and we couldn't catch them because they run too darn fast.  Every time they got out, we would chase them and try to scare them back onto our land.  Finally, after fixing the fence several times and apologizing to neighbors, Brett had enough.  They had been out for a full day, and we only got glimpses of them running through fields.  He wanted to take them to the auction, but there was just one small problem... catching the little rebels.  
Brett went hunting that morning for deer.  I was with the boys at their wrestling tournament and this is the picture I received.  So although its not a deer... this time, at least we got meat.  He took out all three with his arrow and when the boys came home they got to help him skin and gut them (yuck, glad boys like that kind of thing).  Hope sheep are good, because we have three!
Anyone have a recipe, I would love one!

The real reason I felt I should write, is because I'm feeling the love, for my community.  We live in such a great place!  I love the way everyone comes together to help each other, and all be involved.
Last night there was a tree lighting program and Seth's class was involved in it, so we all went.  There were several families and many without children just coming to take part.  The tent was packed and people overflowed onto the grassy area.  Even the rain didn't stop people from participating.
I loved that they started with a prayer.  They read from Luke, and sang real Christmas songs.  I love that the announcer could tease and no one took offense.  We laughed and enjoyed each others company.
All night, I kept thinking, "this is great!"  I love that there are still communities that value religion and community and understand the true meaning of Christmas!  It is so refreshing to step away from all the commercial glamor and focus on the beauty and joy that comes from the spirit of Christmas.  At one point in the night, a man stood and announced that if anyone needed a tree but couldn't afford one or needed help transporting one and setting it up, to please contact him, and he would see to it that they would have a tree.  I was so impressed.  A group that is all volunteers also talked about letting them know if they need help this Christmas.  It is not funded by the government, or local programs, but it is paid for by members of the community to help those in our community, and they do it all year long.  I LOVE where we live!!  We are truly blessed!  There are GOOD, even great people in this world and I am so grateful to know so many of them.  Its all about looking for the good and adding to it!  This Christmas, I pray we can slow down and enjoy family, friends and community.  I pray we will REMEMBER what Christmas is about and we might feel JOY!  I love all of you and hope you treasure your time with loved ones this Christmas.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

The Little Things

Today when I went down to the basement, I realized that a pipe had broke and we had water everywhere.  Needless to say, it wasn't the best news and I started being concerned about what had happened, especially because I hadn't spotted the problem yet.
I called up to Brett and we immediately spotted the issue and deemed it fixable and would fix it tomorrow when he had time and to not use the kitchen sink for today.
I am right in the middle of making bread, so not fantastic news, but this is what I am so very grateful for:
-It could have happened yesterday, when I had no time to deal with it.  I was busy yesterday and this would have stressed me out.  Instead, it happened today, the day I had planned on catching up on all the extra cleaning and bread making and don't have to be anywhere.
-I could have waited to go downstairs.  I don't always go downstairs, but this morning I was putting way extra decorations and so I had been downstairs several times before it happened.  I would not have been back down until I went to grind my wheat for my bread, which would have been several gallons of water later.  Instead, Brett asked for an extra notebook and I went down to grab one.  I knew the time frame of when this happened because I had been down there several times, plus I caught it before it got too bad.
-Brett could have not been home.  I would have not known exactly what the problem was, what pipe it led to, or how easy it would be to fix.  This would have all caused me worry.  Brett, however put me at easy.  Knowing the exact problem and being confident he could fix it since he's done this kind of thing several times before.
-It could have belonged to my washer.  I always have loads of dirty clothes even though I am always washing, folding, ironing and putting away clothes.  It is a never ending job and I usually have about 4 loads a day.  I will catch up about the time the kids come home from school only for them to play ghost in the Graveyard in the rain and change clothes twice before bed.  It all starts over.  I don't mind doing laundry, but I really hate getting behind.  I don't like clothes piling up and it would be quite the pain to spend several hours at the laundry mat.  I am so grateful for modern conveniences and so glad that was not the issue this morning.
-I wanted to do extra cleaning and I had to mop the basement.  I am positive that would not have been on my list of chores this morning, so I look at it as a bonus job that needed doing.  In fact, I didn't realize how much it actually needed to be cleaned.
-I caught it in time to move the paper goods.  I had a big box of laundry detergent sitting on the ground, and wrapping papers stacked against the wall and I was able to see it before it damaged those items.

I guess my point is, my first reaction was.... No, NO, please not this.  But once I really looked at it, it was doable.  It could have even happened when I was getting my kids out the door to catch the bus and stressed me out as I was already running around making lunches and filling out forms for school.  I started to see all the LITTLE blessings in it.  I realized that yes, not so fun things happen, but we can deal with them when we look for the good.  Yes, this is not some life altering event, but as I look at other trails in my life, the little things have always been there.  Its just a matter of, did I bother to look.  I love my life, I love my Savior and I love the people who surround me.  I am blessed with wonderful family and friends... I HAVE MUCH TO BE GRATEFUL FOR!

Tuesday, December 04, 2012


I typed this up for a dear friend and thought I would also put it on here, because Kaze makes me laugh everyday and I don't want to forget.
  I asked Kaze if she would get something for me, and when she gets in her helpful moods, she is very helpful. As she pranced over to do as I asked she said in her best singsong, happy voice, “It would be your pleasure.”
She also says, “God bless.” if she sneezes, coughs or burps.
And last, she always asks, “Mom when do the kids get home.” :) Because she apparently isn’t one of them.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Jeb and food!

We got home Sunday night from spending Thanksgiving in Idaho.  It was so fun and we loved spending time with family!  Monday morning, however, I realized I had no bread, so I told the boys I was giving them money for school lunch (first time all year).  That night I asked Jeb to say the prayer, and he said, "Please bless that I can have a slice of mom's bread, actually, make that two slices with peanut butter and jelly inside.  And I won't have to eat hot lunch again."  It was pretty funny, but sweet too!  Lucky for me, I had just made bread :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Ok so here is my recipe:
in a microwave bowl add:
-1 cup of brown sugar or 3/4 honey
-1 cup of powdered milk
-1 cup of potato flakes
-2 Tablespoons of sea salt
-1 cup of butter
-5 cups of warm water
Cook in microwave for about 1 minute until the sugar and salt are dissolved, and stir until the butter is melted and all is mixed.  You want this mixture med warm.  Let set if it's not
In a mixing bowl (I use a Bosch), pour in the mixture.  Add:
-3 heaping Tablespoons of Yeast (make sure your yeast isn't too old.  If you want to taste it, place just a bit in warm water and sugar to see if it grows- it will look foamy)
-2 cups of flour
Let sit for at least 10 minutes so the yeast can grow.  It will look foamy.
Once that is done, mix on low and add:
-2 eggs
-more flour until the dough pulls away from the side.  I really can't remember how many so just watch for the dough to start coming together.
I sometimes add just a 1/4 a cup of vital gluten flour.  Bread flour is just regular flour with gluten in it anyway, so I will sometimes use bread flour, but not always.
-Once the dough starts to pull away from the sides, set the timer for 8 minutes and allow it to kneed.  Also you want to keep the speed low, the whole time.
-After 8 minutes, coat your counter and hands in butter.  Plus you want a large bowl that is also sprayed with non stick spray sitting aside.
Place dough on the buttered counter, and with your hands kneed another minute, adding butter to your hands as needed so its not too sticky and form into a ball.  Place dough into buttered bowl.
-Cover with clean, dry dish towel and place in a warm place (I put my on the stove with the stove on.)
-Let the dough double in size, then punch down.  That is only needed once but can be done more times too.
-Then dough rises again to double in size, dump it out on a buttered counter, again coat your hands with butter so dough is easy to work with.  Pinch of a handful of dough and form into a ball.
Here you can either just make rolls by placing them on a buttered pan, or you can make Cinnabuns.
For Cinnabuns, have a small bowl of melted butter and a small bowl of Cinnamon and sugar.
-Use the ball you just formed and dip it in the butter, then into the cinnamon and sugar, then place it on the pan.  Repeat until your pan is full.
At this point you can cover the pan with plastic wrap and put into the freezer to save for another time.  When you take them out you will need to let them rise (probably for about 3 hours) and then bake them.  If they are for right now then place them in a warm spot and,
-Let double in size.
-Bake @ 350 degrees for about 22-25 minutes.
-When they come out, gently coat with frosting.  I use cream cheese frosting (because its my favorite and since I'm the one making them, I get to choose:)
Cream Cheese Frosting:
1 package of cream cheese (softened)
1 cube butter (softened)
cream first two together really well, then add:
3 cups powdered sugar
1 1/2 pure vanilla
OK, your done, NOW ENJOY!!!  It makes enough for your family and you can also give some away or save a pan for later by putting it in the freezer, and pulling out later for another day :D

Monday, November 05, 2012

Carved Pumpkins

Can you guess whose pumpkin is who's?  A hint, my is not photographed.  There was a reason for that.... Mine looked stupid.  Everyone, including Kaze designed their own, and everyone except for Kaze cut it out all by themselves (should I be mentioning that on a public form, I'd hate to look like a bad mom allowing my kids to use sharp knives).


How did you do?

Sunday, November 04, 2012

All things Kaze

Kaze has been "Princess" since birth.  She has always seemed to know who she is and how much she is loved.  She is the sweetest girl you'll ever meet and a feisty little miss Independence all rolled into one.  She loves pink and all things pretty, at the same time she loves playing outside with the boys and Janey.  She is funny and smart and catches on quick, which explains how she has got us wrapped around her little finger.  Kaze has a good heart, and although she can be a challenge in battle of wills; she is such a special part of our family who we adore!

 Grandma Ethington and Kaze played for an hour or more in the rain.  They would bend down with their umbrellas in and jump while releasing the umbrella at the same time.  They had a great time!
 Janey gave Kaze a birthday make over, along with two of her Kaze's friends.
 us goofing around and Kaze showing her unicorn, and being one...
 Kaze paints about everyday.  She loves to paint!
 Kaze acted the princess all day for Halloween and then it flowed into her birthday as well :)
 Kaze too, knew what she wanted.  Two rounds. Bigger then a smaller one, with a blue flower on the top.  She wanted regular frosting and yellow cake.  It's funny she knows so much of what to ask for.
We love our Kaze and are so glad our princess had a special day.  She kept saying, "remember I'm the birthday girl."  She got spoiled and we all had fun doing it.  No one more than Kaze enjoyed the spoiling!  She is a doll.

Big 8!

What a wonderful thing, to have such a good boy.  A boy who wants to do what is right, wants to be kind and good, wants to please his parents and who is happy.  Jeb is that boy.  He is such a joy to have around.  He LOVES people, especially his family and he radiates joy with an energy that is contagious.  I LOVE to be around all my kids and Jeb is no exception.  He makes us all laugh and breaks my heart when he is sad.  His big brown eyes can melt me with a single tear drop.  Happy 8th Birthday, my enjoyable son!  I am so proud of you!!

 My two very good looking boys, I don't think I'm bias, but I could be... :)
 Jeb was very particular on what his cake should be, as they all are.  He wanted four layers, with white frosting, and a candy bar broken up all over it with chocolate so it still looks "spooky".  He seemed happy with it so that is all I care about.
 getting ready to sing to the birthday boy.

 He got these building things and this is what they made.
We are also proud of Jeb for choosing to be baptized.  Jeb is 8 which means he is now a new of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints.  I love you Jeb, more than you will ever know!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

It's beginning to look alot like Fall time

Kaze lost her first tooth!  She was pretty darn excited, especially to have a visit from the tooth fairy.  I have learned its a fun surprise for me as well, because in my house we have two tooth fairies!  I remember the first time Seth lost a tooth and the next morning he was so excited because he got money.  I asked "innocently", "how much?"  But his answer really did shock me.  He replied, "$4."  
"Are you sure there wasn't just two?"  Thinking,  "poor kid, I really should be helping him more with his math," one more thing to add to the list of things I'm failing to do for my children.  
He ran out and held up his hands, sure he enough there was $4.  At first I thought, "man I need to pay attention to what I'm pulling out of my wallet, I could really end up setting a high standard."  You see in our house they get $2 for the first tooth and $1 for each after that, which is the way to go.  When the dentist takes the tooth he leaves a big fat bill, but gives a sticker so I figure there better off losing it with me :)  Anyway, it took only one more time to realize, Janey was sneaking in and leaving more money.  Last night was no different she left an extra dollar plus a note saying how special Kaze is.  To Kaze's credit, and I'm pulling out the "I must be doing something right even though I don't do it myself" card,   Kaze wanted to write the Tooth Fairy a thank you note.... all on her own!  I was proud of both my girls for their thoughtfulness!
 So it has been a little cooler in the mornings and we are talking Halloween around here, so I had to make some Pumpkin cookies.  I found this recipe yesterday and yummy!  They are good.  I will post the recipe on the side, but they are winners!

 There was a new addition to our pretend farm, as I like to call it.  I love this CUTE little heifer which we named Lexi.  She is so fun for us to all watch.  Brett was out of town when the cow delivered so I climbed in and imprinted on the calf and separated them from the other cows, so smart of me I thought but, turns out (which Brett reminded me of this after the fact) that it cut them off from the water as well as the other cows.  Then I fed the mom cow so she would like me and let me near her baby (which I found out later is not something you are suppose to do because they can get a fever from having too much food after having a calf).  Look at me learning... a little late, yes, but still.... And another reason I call it my pretend farm.
 My boys are playing football!  It is their first year and has been so entertaining to watch them!  They look too small to be running around out there.  Especially Seth!  I do believe he played a college student last game!  That is what it looked like to me anyway.  Seth is one of the smallest but he's also pretty fast so I just tell him, RUN... if you get the ball, RUN and don't wait for the other team to catch up.
 It is fun to see their opposite personalities come out.  As Seth is instructed by the coaches, I see him put his head down and listen.  He is soaking it all in.  That is how he is.  He thinks.  He loves to play catch everyday and wants, begs everyone to come play with him- I think I'm his favorite play mate:)
Then there is Jeb who just wants to tackle.  He still doesn't understand the game.  Where Seth wants to learn the game and to understand what is going on and why players are doing what they are, Jeb just want to hit someone.  He doesn't even care if the person is looking at the ball or running.  The coaches tell him who he is covering and I see Jeb watch the kid and him only.  The play can already be finished and Jeb is still in route to take out the poor kid not even watching.  I have seen that a couple times.
I also laughed last week because one of the players on our team knocked over the side line numbers and Jeb jumped up, pushed a kid from the other team back down (even though the whistle had been blown), ran to the number, dropped to his knee and straightened it.  I guess they are learning good (and I'm hoping that and not obsessive) habits at home...?
So while playing football a bee flew into Seth helmet.  This is day two.  I told him at least he could say it happened turning football, no one needed to know it was done by something as big as his thumb nail :)  I feel really blessed to have just fun, and great kids!  I really enjoy where we live too!
 I do want to do better about writing, but I usually wait too long that there is too much to write so then I settle for hardly any writing at all.  I'll do better, you just watch and see if I don't :)

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Janey the Teen!

 Janey my TEEN!  We celebrated her birthday by spending it together, just me and her!  She is such a doll and we had a fun day!
 LOVE, LOVE this girl!
 That was when we both were telling Brett to stop already with the photos.
 Fashion Show presented by: Janey... so cute!

 Her first day of school choice.

 Her favorite dinner, and blowing out the candles.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Busy, Busy Summer

We started the summer thinking we had nothing planned and would have plenty of time for working at the house and staying on a schedule.  One thing we were looking forward to, was my parent's visit!  While they were here, they invited and encouraged us to follow them back to Utah for the Morley Family reunion.  How could I resist such an offer.  We packed our car, loaded the kids, kissed my wonderful husband farewell, and I followed my parents to Utah for a 9 day trip.  We had a super time, going swimming in my brother's pool, having several BBQs, visiting different family member's houses and most fun of all was catching up with family!  I even saw cousins I haven't seen in EIGHT years!  It was such fun!
 Jeb forever looking and catching snakes.  He found one at Aunt Sandi's house and even freaked out Sandi's friend. :)
 Kaze getting spoiled by cousins and hangin' by the pool
 Janey and Sandy-Kaye jumping off the edge.  This is at my brother and sister in law's home and it is a beautiful set-up.  They are always so generous to invite us!
 What I wouldn't give to know what's on Jeb's mind :)  We are waiting to officially start the MORLEY reunion!

 We did the reunion in age groups this year.  I was in camp cousins (ages 3-9)  It was at my brother Mark's home and we all had a great time!  What do you know, that is Mark surrounded by a bunch of kids!
 Again at the pool, enjoying the sun, food and company.  My cute mom and good looking brother
 Gina on the right is my big sis!
 Mom and Chrisy!
 If you look close that is Seth on the rope.  He went clear to the top but I didn't get my camera out till he was already heading back down.
So coming home from Utah, I only had about five days and then left with Brett and Janey and headed to WA for TREK!  It was such an amazing experience!  We had 21 youth (our kids) plus, me and brett  (Ma and Pa) to make up our trek family.  I will always love these kids and my memories of trek.  We witnessed many miracles and had many individual tender mercies to make it an experience I will always cherish.  Here are some of my kids...
 Pulling the hand cart.  It was very dusty and HOT!  We went up several hills (one hill that was about 100 feet and at about a 80 degree angle), through swamps, sand pits, and even a women pull- where just the ladies pulled and it was up about a mile and a half hill.
 There were two nights that we were told only five miles from camp there were golf ball sized hail coming down, and warnings of flash floods.  We were told to go secure our tents.  We watched as the dark clouds split above us, showing bluer skies above and the black clouds continued on either side of us.  Lighting lit up the sky all around our circle.  Once the dark clouds passed they gathered back together continuing on and we didn't even so much as receive rain.  We watched the sky light up however, with lighting that was all around except for above us.  This happened on our final night as well.  When we got home, Brett checked the news to read the extend of damage that was done in that area durning that week.  There were mud slides and flooding as well as much damage done by the hail. We were truly watched over and blessed!
So we made it to Zion and are relaxing.  We played football, laid around, slide on a slip and slide, even had our heads messaged and hair washed!  That was awesome!

 Just after going on the slip n slide and getting my hair washed, so I am feeling much cleaner and pretty darn happy about being in Zion.  Janey my darling daughter was in Ririe's family and they took good care of her.  I loved seeing her each day even though she wasn't in our family.
 Boys will be... boys!
 AHHHH, my handsome boys, all grown up... Look at the cuties in the background (oh, brett is back there:)
 This is the whole family!  We loved hanging out with each other!
 Home from Trek and CLEAN!  With the three younger kids still gone to the Ethington reunion (Diane- bless her heart- took my other kids to the reunion for us, so we could go on trek.  We didn't even worry once because we knew they were in good hands! Thanks Richardsons!!) Janey and I decided to enjoy being clean and the sun, so we took some pictures...
 and had fun being a little silly.  I actually got carried away and forgot about my baking bread and maybe, kinda burnt it a little.

 We didn't want your regular run of the mill pictures.

 ok, ok, then we took some more traditional type

 We picked the other kids up on Sunday and straight to work on Monday.  We had 6 tons of hay to lay away in our barn.  Thanks to my trek son, Jacob Cardwell, it made it an easier job.  Look at how cute (and small) Seth looks driving the truck.  He did such a good job!
 This is the working crew.  It is kind of disgusting (secretly though, I'm jealous) how the boys can pick up the bales and launch them onto the trailer, sometimes even throwing them with such force they go up and all the way over!  I use all my strength and am happy to make it to the tail gate.  Those show off BOYS!
 This is one of the many loads put into the barn.
 After almost of full week of relaxing and working and being clean we had a ward camp out.  (Guess Brett was telling me a secret)
 Seth showing the toad we were going to eat, but have yet to do it :)  It is in the freezer just waiting for a special occasion.
 oh... Janey... take it of someone else.
 Jeb roasting marshmallows
 Hanging out with our good friends Shirley and Eric and their kids.
 Still roasting marshmallows, only because Jeb couldn't find a grass hopper to roast up... I swear the boy...
 Great picture... right? Telling me that Jeb is eating a grass hoper?
 So Monday morning at 4am we headed to Southern Oregon to camp while Brett hunted.  I am so glad we went!  It was so fun and we got to see the Spencers which made it even better!
 The day before the hunt opens... relaxing time
 Devon and Janey- what darling girls
 I went for a five mile hike each day.  It was so pretty.  If you can look around my face, you can see some of the view.  I was pleasantly surprised by how green and pretty the area was.
 Kaze insisting that she is a pirate princess.  She sure poses like one (as though I would know:)
 Opening day of the hunt, Brett shot (with his bow and arrow- the very bow I bought him last year:) his antelope.  It was very exciting for all of us.  It will be good to have meat in the freezer, again.
 The kids did a little exploring, note Kaze's bone in her hand.  I guess that is what pirate princesses do.  Jeb is enjoying the rice crispy treats all though right there, he looks as though he'll be sick.  Maybe he had one too many..
 Look how long Kaze's hair is?  Last night of camping.  We stayed till Friday enjoying an extra day with the Spencers and camping.  We were so dirty (expect for Brett who pointed out how he took a shower everyday, but what's the point of camping if you do that- thats what I say)
 Brett took the kids fishing several times and they got so good they went on there own.  I really got sick of cooking fish.  I finally made it a rule they had to catch and release.
 nine fish!  Kaze would have been quick to tell you that she had the biggest, while Jeb would chime in he had the most.  Not to be outdone, Seth is making it know, three were his.
 Seth and little Brett Spencer
We had a great time and have hardly been home at all.  It's funny how a summer seemed to have no plans has become one trip after another.  We are finally home for a while.  Which is good, I need a schedule.  Seth has started football, and Janey will be turning 13... Thats right 13!  WOW, I'm old.  I am not looking forward to having school start, I feel like with all the running around we are just starting to hang out and enjoy our time off again.  There is still some much to do in our yard, but the garden and the trees we planted are looking really good.  We have enjoyed several of the produce from our garden and still need to do some canning to do.  There is plenty to keep us busy and hopefully we can take advantage of every sunny day we have left.  I have loved this summer, as I do every summer, and I am going to live it up for every day thats left!