Thursday, December 31, 2009

Playing in the snow!

I took Avery out yesterday to play in the snow. It was her first time this year to go enjoy the snow. The first thing she did was plop right down by the steps and started eating the snow. She couldn't get enough and she loved sharing with Annie. It was a little hard for her to move around since she was bundled up like a marsh mellow. She had so much fun playing with Annie and looking at the our neighbors dogs through the fence.

How can you say no to this adorable face. I just love these pictures of her she is such a sweetie!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

It was so nice to have our own little Christmas at our house this year. Avery woke up at 8 and Brett and I were so excited to show her that Santa had come. As we walked down stairs she got a huge smile on her face, and you could tell she knew this was going to be a fun day. She immediately ran to the chair and wanted to sit in it. She stayed in her chair the whole time unwrapping and all. She didn't really get the concept of unwrapping the gift, but she loved when she got to see what was inside. Her favorite toy that she got super excited about was her doll. She wanted it out of the box and as soon as I got it out she was hugging her and wouldn't let her go. Some of the other things Santa brought her were Jungle book the movie, blocks, books, clothes, car, bracelets and necklace and some other fun things.

Brett and I had so much fun watching Avery get all excited. We were more excited than Avery was. We couldn't ask for anything more than spending time with our little girl. Santa also brought Brett and I presents. I got some boots, purse, slippers and best of all Brett surprised me with the Wii fit..I was totally shocked I am so excited to use it. Brett got shoes, shirt a golf thing which I don't know anything about. The present Brett got most excited about was I gave him the Dumb and Dumber DVD yeah! We have had it on VHS, so it was about time! After opening presents Avery took a much needed nap opening all those presents makes you tired!

Here is her doll she was super excited about. So cute!!!

Christmas at the Muirs

Avery got a whole other Christmas at Grandma and Grandpas. She is one spoiled little girl! She wasn't so into the unwrapping, but Boston was so nice to help out. She got more dolls with a stroller, a princess tent, clothes, shoes, puzzles and many more fun toys. She had so much fun playing with her new toys and Bostons. Her favorite thing over there was Bostons slide he got they both played on that for hours. We were able to just chill and have lots of yummy food what could be better on Christmas.

Avery loved the slide so much the only thing is she wanted to go up the wrong way. I would try to show her the right way, but I guess the other way was alot more fun. Avery was into giving kisses that day. She was going around puckering up her lips giving a kiss to everyone. Her favorite person to kiss was Boston, but of course I missed all the cute shots of them kissing. We had such a great Christmas, but its over way too fast! We were able to spend the night and hang out the next day it was so nice to not have to rush somewhere. I hope everyone had a great holiday!! now that Christmas is over I think the snow should be gone!!!

Avery's new favorite treat!

Posted by Picasa The other night I gave Avery her own ice cream cone. She loved it!!! She carried it aroundwith her everywhere it got a little messy,but she screamed if I took it away!! She is just like her momma loves some good old ice cream. She now wants to have her own of everything and carry it on her own. She is miss little independent these days, but I love this stage. So fun!!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Village

On Monday we had the privilege of going to some members home in my parent's ward. My parent's are missionaries in a Spanish branch. The four older grand kids bought some gifts for their kids for Christmas. The parent's speak very little English, so we are glad Brett was able to communicate with them. They don't have much, but they are so happy!! There two boys are adorable. They came right up to Avery and hugged her and wanted to play with her the whole time. They warmed right up to all my nieces and nephews before you knew it they were all playing. After we chatted a little bit we were off to see the lights in Ogden. They joined us in the fun!

These are the boys! They wanted to be by Avery the whole time. They were holding her hands and walking with her it was so adorable!! They are such special little boys and I am so happy we were able to meet them.

Avery is one wild little thing. Her favorite place was to be on the ice ( of course the most dangerous place.) I would take her off it, and in 2 seconds she was right back on it. She was running around everywhere and you could loose her so fast if you weren't watching. She is the fastest little thing ever! This was such a fun place to go. Its on 25th street in Ogden. Its a little Christmas village with different themes to all the little houses. This is for a tradition I want to keep.

The clan. Avery was going for the picture moment. What a great night it was. It made me so excited for Christmas!! I can't believe how fast it has come, but its here and I am loving it.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

new pictures!

My camera has been having problems lately with being blurry. So this are some pictures my sister in laws took for me that are way better. Thanks guys!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Temple Square

How I love the Christmas lights at Temple square! Jason and Aleese invited us to join the fun. It was so COLD!!! so poor little Avery didn't last that long before she was freezing. She loved it when we let her down to run around. She loves her cousins and always has a blast when they are there. She always gets so much attention and love!! Avery would not wear her hat or gloves, so no wonder she was cold. Hopefully someday she will see the benefit of wearing them. I swear every time we go they get more lights! Temple square is a beautiful place no matter what time of year. I love the Christmas season and going there made all ready for the holidays!


This year was our turn to go with the Muirs for thanksgiving. We had thanksgiving with the sollis clan at Marlene's. We had a delicious feast and was so stuffed by the end. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out. Avery loves all her cousins and she is a little out numbered with all the boys, but she holds her own just fine. While the kids played the adults had fun looking through the ads for sales! I didn't go shopping on black Friday,but its still fun to look. I love thanksgiving its such a nice day to just relax and not worry about anything. Most of all to reflect on whats important in life and that is family. I have so much to be grateful for this year.

Our family picture didn't turn out so great due to my camera not working that great, but at least we got one. What a good looking clan.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

15 months

Avery turned 15 months on Nov. 13th, but I barely got to her 15 month check up today. The doctor said she is one healthy, happy growing little girl.

length- 29.8 inches -25%
Weight- 20 lbs 4 ozs. -10%
The doctor said she is growing great. Today she looks more like a toddler I can't believe it!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Avery has been off the binky since she was 4 months, but lately she has been obsessed with them. Its her new favorite toy and it just cracks me up. She doesn't need it for comfort or gets mad when you take it away, but she does love playing with it for awhile. Daddy is always dressing her up this time it was one of Annie's bandannas.

Avery is now my little helper now. She loves carrying the broom around the house. She is getting started early on her chores.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Always something new!!

Avery's absolute favorite thing is to run from the couch to the chair. She wants to do all day and when you take her off she cries so hard!! First thing in the morning you will see her run to the couch and she points her finger and makes the sound to get her up. She just giggles the whole time. The other funny thing she does is rocks back and forth banging her head on the back of the couch. She is one wild little girl!!!

So as I have said before I can't get Avery to wear headbands or bows anymore. she takes them right off and it makes me so sad because she is so cute with them on. The other night I put one of my headbands on and she kept it on long enough for me to get some cute pictures. I hope someday she will like to wear them again.

Avery is doing new things everyday. She loves opening and closing the doors. She always is closing the door on me when I am getting ready for the day, but she gets frustrated when she can't open it. She loves going through the cupboards in the bathroom and in about 2 seconds all my hair product is all over the house. She always loves throwing things down the stairs and saying uh-oh!! She loves all her stuffed animals,but especially the panda. She will carry it around and want me to cuddle it and give it kisses. She also is becoming a little dancer always stomping her feet to the music or even without music.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Uncle Wayne

Tomorrow my uncle Wayne leaves to Colorado to live with his sister. He will be missed, but are excited for him to have a new adventure. Wayne's favorite person is my husband Brett, so I had to get them together for a picture. Wayne has been living with my parents for about two years, and it has been so fun to get to know him. Growing up I didn't know him that well since he lived in Arizona, so we are so glad he came to Utah. We hope all goes well with his new move. We love our uncle Wayne and hope he comes back and visits soon.

Stratton and Evie wanted to get in the picture, but no smiles!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cute kids!

Friday night we had a get together with our friends. I wanted to get all the kids in a picture. Of course most of them wouldn't look in the right direction, but it is still a cute. Its so fun to see the kids play together and now instead of the adults hanging out we love just watching our kids interact. They had so much fun running around and playing on the couch. We sure have a good looking bunch.
From left to right: Maeva, Jacob, Mazie, Toa, Avery, Issac, Tate, Kristin, Liam and Kaden.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween (part 2)

So our original plans with having a family party were canceled due to Haden's football game. Brett and I took Avery and Evie trick or treating before it got too late. Avery didn't really understand it yet, but it was still fun. All she wanted to do was push the stroller and run around. When we would go up to the doors she would sneak away from me and try to get into their houses..such a funny kid! We got back to my sisters right as they were getting back from the game. We ate dinner and were able to hang for a little bit until Avery was done for the day. It was such a fun Halloween weekend and I was so tired by the end. I am so excited for the rest of the holidays. I just love this season!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween part 1

Since we couldn't be with both families on Halloween we decided to go to Brett's parents friday night. We dressed Avery all up and had her go to the door and trick or treat at grandmas house. She loved everyone giving her attention on how cute she looked. She loved her rooster costume which is surprising because she hates when anything is on her head.

Of course we had to get Boston dressed up too. He was so cute in his tiger costume! We of course had to have a photo shoot with the kiddos. Boston and Avery are becoming even better little buddies as they get older.

We also had to get all the rest of the family involved. Greg wasn't home from work yet, so we didn't get him I bet he was so bummed! Also Nate was not able to join the festivities since he is still in training for the army we miss him, and hope he comes home soon.

We had a yummy dinner! and then it was time to bob for doughnuts. You never want to play this with Muir boys they just push and shove and even cheat. Jenn's doughnut fell, but she still played so funny! Brett and I were able to stay the night, so we didn't have to hurry home it was so nice. We spent the rest of the night playing games and just talking. We stayed up til midnight that is late for me these days! We had such a great time and can't wait til next year.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Time for a change!

I decided it was time for something different. I had my friend cut me bangs. I love them! Being a hair stylist I always am looking for new ways to do my hair. Thanks Laci!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Last night we went to my friend Marci's to see her little girl. She is now 3 months old, so lets just say it was about time. She also has 2 boys and Avery loved them right off. We ate yummy chili and let the kids frost Halloween cookies. Avery just wanted to dig into the frosting, but I helped her frost one. She was such a mess by the end frosting was everywhere. The rest of the night the kids just played and me and Marci were able to catch up a little bit. Mazie is so adorable and is such a good baby. Thanks for such a great night, so happy that we finally got to see you.

Little Mazie love her chubs and all!

Avery lovin her sugar cookie

Jacob, Mazie, Avery and Tate

Avery always finds chairs wherever she goes.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween fun

Yesterday we had a fun day. We started the day off with going to Haden's football game. It was the first time I was able to see him play it was so fun, and the best part they one in the 3rd overtime. Avery of course enjoyed herself playing with all her cousins. Jenny's ward was having a Halloween party, so we went to have some fun. My sister Anne has been in town, so she came along as well. Now the guy in the cheer leading outfit is my nephew Haden. Such a funny costume!! They had a chili cook off and a trunk or treat. It was such a fun night and Avery's favorite thing was running around. We walked around to the cars to get candy for Avery well I guess more for me because she didn't seem to care. Love this holiday and the weather such fun times!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baby fat!

I have been looking through old pictures and I miss Avery's little chubs! She has thinned out and become taller and its so sad to see the baby fat leave. Its so crazy to look back on old pictures and to see how they grow so fast. I went to her 12 month appt. which was suppose to be 2 months ago, but we finally made it. She is 17 lbs and 14 oz and in the 1% for her age. I didn't think she was that small, but I need to fatten her up I guess! She is 29.6 inches and in the 36%. The doctor said I don't need to worry about her weight unless its something that doesn't change. I go again next month for her 15 month, so lets hope she gains a little weight. The doctor said she is perfectly healthy and is doing well.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Our weekend

Last Friday I went with my friend Laci to a pumpkin patch in Ogden. It was such a perfect day to be outside it was so warm we didn't even have to wear a jacket. Avery had so much fun running around with her buddy Kaden. It was the cutest little pumpkin patch and the best part is it was free. Laci's brother also came with his nice camera and took lots of pictures of the kids for us. Avery had so much fun running around and even posed for a few pictures.

After the pumpkin patch they heard about this orange wall on 25th street and wanted to take pictures by it. We never saw an orange wall, but this was the closest. Laci's brother is going to photo shop them to make the wall brighter orange. This was Kaden's halloween costume, but we put Avery in it and she loved it. I was surprised she wore it because she hates anything on her head. Lately I can't get her to wear hats or bows, so I was shocked. She was posing so cute and was just being a doll! Thanks Laci for letting us tag along we had such a fun time.

Brett was working on Saturday night and i decided to have a mommy daughter night. Since it could be one of the last days of warm weather I wanted to be outside. We went to the Ogden parkway I just love this place, and so pretty with all the fall leaves. We took a nice hour and half walk, but of course with a few stops so Avery could get out and run around. She is now at the point where she doesn't want to be in her stroller, and she will scream til you let her out. We had such a fun night and once again I am so sad to see fall end.