Saturday, July 20, 2013

Catching Up...Again

I am just not a great blogger any more.To be honest, life has pretty much sucked the last couple of years, and I have put myself in a hole. I am slowly climbing out and plan to live life again. Many changes in our household. The grandkids are growing so fast I can hardly keep up! TJ is going into 3rd grade and his baseball team won the World Series of his league this summer. He is an awesome kid who is completely in love with his father! Emerson is a doll!! I love having a granddaughter! She just last week started cheerleading classes and even though she was concerned because she "can't spell", she had a blast and  I know she is going to be spelling out G-O T-E-A-M very soon. 
My oldest, Bud, is back home. He is working toward moving closer to his children. I think it is a good choice. He plays softball on a couple of different teams and his friend Joe (in the pic on the far right) has become an honorary son to us. Zach made the honor roll and received a trophy for Best Sportsmanship. He started Mixed Martial Arts classes and is loving ever second of it! He broke a board on his first try!! Kyle is having a great summer, and both  boys are happy that their big brother is around more. Charlotte had a rough couple of years, and after a hospitalization, she is now living with an extended family member in the next county. She has some severe trauma to overcome and after 13 years of giving her every ounce of what I had to give, I have been told by professionals, it could never be enough. She needs residential treatment. Please pray she is able to get it. I talk to her a few times a week, and we are all trying to heal and create an alternative to what we thought life would be. 
Sweetheart and I celebrated 34 years of marriage at the beginning of this month. It  has been a very rough couple of years for our entire family, and we are hoping, and praying that the future holds some peace and happiness in it for us. I believe it does. :)
On the quilting front, I finished the 3rd baby quilt. It is bright and cheerful, and baby Mason will have years of warmth from it.
At my church we select Secret Sisters once a year. Throughout the year we buy little gifts and send cards on special occasions. The big reveal is early November and I decided to make a quilt for the lady I have this year. This is the top.....all scrap and measures approx. 62x74
It is in the hoop now and I am loving quilting on it! A fun one for sure!
Baby quilt number 4 is being pieced and has this little lady in it......
It should be a fun quilt to make also, and baby Harmonie and her mommy can cuddle in it together this coming winter.
The girls are both well. Cammy still thinks she is a kitten and Sass gets more lovable every day. 
Life has started to calm here in the last 2 months, so I am just going to breath and trust God that His plan is still in motion. I am hoping to get back here more often. Thanks for stopping in!!!