Wednesday, May 2, 2012

In sickness and in health

Holy Shit.  Whomever threw THAT vow in there clearly never took care of a sick man.  I could cheerfully shake that man.  Or kick him.  Or slap him.  I'm not, but I SURE COULD. 

They cut me open and TOOK OUT A WHOLE PERSON and I did not carry on like this.  At the risk of the people I know in real life coming here and also kicking my husband, here is how he has been acting.

Me'" After I put Peter to bed I have to clean the kitchen, do the cat litter, and take a shower. "
Him "Oh. Well I guess I won't get to do my homework for an hour and a half then,"
You'll have to imagine his put upon tone. 
So from 8 30 till 9 45, I :
put our son to bed
got some stuff for the basement for Mr. to use
cleaned up the kitchen and prepped Mr's lunch for tomorrow
went to the basement and put in a load of wash, cleaned the cat litter, the litter boxes, and shop vacced the spilled litter
took out the garbage. 
at this point Jamie was wailing, but I needed a shower because I was not gonna nurse him after cleaning the litter.  EW.
Soo, the fastest shower ever.
Then I came down stairs to our wailing child and my little bitch unhappy husband. 
Who stomped over to the other couch because I did not know he wanted to put his foot up on the big couch.  Then he made a remark about how I left our child that needed me so I could take a shower.  Then was mad because he did not have enough time to do schoolwork. And "nothing he has to do is important."
I swallowed  down some choice words and said that I was not the person to complain to about not having enough time.  Much like I am NOT THE RIGHT ONE TO COMPLAIN TO about not getting enough rest.  And then I told him that I was not going to feed our  child when I was filthy from cleaning the litter boxes.  He went on and on and I told him that I understood that he was in pain and blah blah blah.

You know, I know he does not mean to be a douche.  He told me I was being very short tempered with him.  Which I am.  Because I am tired, and busy and like I told him; I am giving everything I have to our children and he is an adult so he will have to deal. I don't have time to sugarcoat things for him.  Not when my day starts at five and ends close to midnight and even then, I am up with Jamie in the night.

I don't have the time or emotional energy to deal with his bullshit right now. 
I told him that is sucks for EVERYONE right now.  It sucks for Peter because he is not getting any time outside since we had planned family walks for when Mr. got home from work.  It sucks for Jamie because he can't have me as often as he needs me.  Jamie likes to have his bedtime feeding at Peter's bedtime.  I have tried putting him in the Moby and keeping him with me but it is too distracting for Peter.  It is hard for Mr. It is.  I know it is.  I know his foot hurts from being broken and his arms and shoulders and chest hurt from using crutches and he is sick of sleeping on the couch and feels guilty about not being able to put Peter to bed and feels bad that I am doing so much and I GET THAT. 
And it sucks for me.  I am beat from the endless round of chores. I am never done.  I don't get a break.  My day goes like this
Get up at five( sometimes I stay in bed and nurse jamie it depends what he wants)
Run around getting breakfast ready, and getting Peter up and dressed and loading the car and nursing Jamie. I fill Peter's sippy cups and pack a cooler bag for the drive.
8 leave to drive Mr. to work, that takes about 40 minutes to an hour each way depending on traffic.  It takes Mr. a half hour, but I am a slower and more conservative driver.
On Monday I took the kids to WalMart for cat litter and stuff. Yesterday was rainy so I took them to BnN so Peter could play with the train table. 
Come home, Peter plays and we do normal home stuff.
1 p.m naptime.  Peter goes to his room for an hour, where he may or may not nap. I try and use this time to play with James as well as eat lunch, and tidy the kitchen.
5 p.m. leave to get Mr.
6 20/30 or later- yesterday we got home at 7 because we made a stop since Peter was napping in the car.
7 30 ish DINNER
8 bedtime for Peter
Second Shift
Clean up dinner, tidy, laundry, dishes, whatever did not get done like change the sheets, every other day I do the cat litter, I take a shower, put out the garbage. I get dinner ready for the next day. 
 Some time between 10 30 and midnight I go upstairs and nurse James, or bathe him, or fold laundry.  I fall asleep in bed, and usually get up twice with the baby.

So to be honest, I don't want to hear that Mr. is tired.  And I am sick of reminding myself to be patient with him because I am just about tapped out of patience.  And I am sure he is sick of this too.  

This is a pretty negative blog post.  But this is what is going on right now.  I told Mr. that we'll get through it as a family. And we will.  And honey, I know you read my blog sometimes so if you read this one and got this far, I'm sorry I called you a little bitch but you are kind of being one.