

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

October 31, 2016 - Halloween

Halloween Day!!

Dad was Magnum PI

Queen Elsa using her ice powers.

Ghostbuster, ready for action.

Saw Kenny and Susan at the kids school parade, and they were dressed up 
as Johnny and Mavis from Hotel Transylvania. Seriously, so spot on!!!!

We visited Mana at the bank.  They had a Wizard of Oz theme and she was a member of the Lollipop Guild.

Next up: Grandma & Grandpa Tolman's house.

Dancing to The Monster Mash.

Gotta love all the candy they come home with. The littles were in heaven!!

Mara hung out with Morri's family for a bit, then went out with friends. It's crazy how old she is getting!

October 26-30, 2016 - DBD / Band Concert / Primary Program

It was Papa's birthday, he would have been 66. So we went 
out to Wendy's, like we do, to celebrate him together.

Afterwards, we headed to Provo High to see Alex and Noah in a marching band performance.

They got to pick family members to shadow them while they marched. 
Alex was with Jaina and Noah was with Jacob.

She had a great time!

Love these drummer boys!

Monthly temple picture with my man.

It was time for the Primary Program!! Jaina was really excited for 
this day to finally be here. I didn't get a picture of Mara though.

After church, Mara let her sisters in her room and they played with their Build a Bears!

October 24, 2016 - Annual Ramey Family Halloween Party

It was time for the Annual Ramey Family Halloween Party!!!!!

Mana had pumpkin decorating for the kids.

Wrap the Mummy game.

Xander and Max won for sure!!!

Minnie Mouse

Holtzman from the new Ghostbusters.

Queen Elsa


We really don't match, but at least we did something. 
I like Halloween, but not so much the dressing up part.

Family picture, just missing JD (he had play rehearsal)