

Monday, May 1, 2017

September 18-30, 2016 - Temple Square / Larsen Carnival

We decided to go up to Temple Square with all of the kids and Karri because 
we knew it was Pokemon heaven. On our walk from the car we found a 
cricket and Pat put it on the stroller. Surprisingly, she didn't freak out!

It's always fun having Karri with us on our adventures and the kids love it too!

That definitely made Melody tired and she didn't even do a lot of walking either.

It was a sad day, they closed the Watergardens' theater and were going to 
tear it down. It was such a great place to go, they had awesome ticket 
and food prices and it was so close to home. We will miss it a lot.

Melody wants to do everything that Mara does and it's adorable.

Sisterly love walking into Costco.

I love watching her play.

Pat and I went to the Payson temple. It had been awhile 
since we came out here and I just love how beautiful it is.

It was time for the school carnival and these girls were together the whole night. 

So I just followed Jaina around the whole time.

They both love the carnival and look forward to it every year.

Mara and I went to the Women's Conference broadcast with Mana, Lisa, Conli and Sawyer. Afterwards 
we headed over to Rockwell. They were so busy that we ended up eating out in the hallway.

Once again. she snuck into Jaina's seat for the car ride to church. She needs to stop growing up so fast.

When we got to church she found one of her Nursery leaders, 
Jennifer Hannett, and sat by her for quite sometime. She ended 
up going back and forth between us most of sacrament meeting.

I found some new jammies for Melody that are Batgirl 
and Wonder Woman, and she love love loved them.

We tried to potty train, but she was unwilling to take her shorts off. 
She ended up having a few accidents that didn't even phase her. 
So I decided she wasn't ready and to try again at a later date.

Melody doesn't really like to eat breakfast, but I was able to 
get her to eat while she watched Word World on the iPad.

Mara was honored as a Larson Leopard Leader in September, for being 
a good student, friend and example. It was a surprise for her and she 
didn't even know that I was there (the school had emailed me about it).

I'm so proud of her and the hard work she is doing at school.

September 1-14, 2016 - Salt Lake Comic Con / Neilson's Grove / Jaina Glasses

It was time for Salt Lake Comic Con 2016!!!!!
Because it was Labor Day weekend and that's when I go to Swiss Days, we only 
went Thursday night and took Xander with us, while the girls played at Mana's house.

I was so excited to meet Tahmoh Penikett (Helo) from Battlestar Galactica!  I think 
by now I've met a good portion of the cast, but I still have some to check off my list.

We even ran into our nephews Carter and Alex!

First time finding the bridge of the Enterprise!

Ahhhh!! The Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man!!

Jaina has been coming home from school with her hair all weird, that she's done herself. She 
told me she wants to have a side pony tail, so I showed her how to do it the proper way.

I found the best shirts on clearance at Target for Melody. Captain
 America and a Ninja Turtle one. She loves them and so do I!

Karri and I at Swiss Days. I love being able to get away for 24 hrs and hang out with my mom, 
sister and family. For me it's not about the shopping, but about the people that I'm with.

We ate at Zupas before coming home.
Me, Mom, Merrilee, Catherine, Terry, Lindsay, Laurie and Karri.

Melody has found a love for stacking blocks and she was 
really getting into it while we were watching a movie.

This is one of my most favorite dresses that the girls have worn. Mara wore it 
before she was even 2, and it made me think that it was a smaller size, and I 
thought it was missing. But it's a 3T and was with those clothes. I just love this dress.

Jaina has this Beanie Baby Tiger named India (that we have had since Xander was itty bitty) but she and 
Melody will fight over it all the time. So after months and months of them fighting, I finally went on eBay 
and found one for Melody. Luckily their stripes are a bit different so we can tell them apart. Melody's has 
2 stripes on the forehead and Jaina's only has 1. Needless to say, this girl LOVES her India and brings her 
almost everywhere.  Sadly there was a time when she lost it in Walmart, but Pat was able to go back and 
find it where it was left. So that made us reinforce the 'toys stay in the car rule' that started after Mara's 
bear got lost in Target. We are just lucky that we've been able to recover their special toys.

We had our monthly dessert night at Grandma & Grandpa Tolman's house 
and found Jaina and Olivia hanging out in the office playing Jaina's DS.

Since we have been playing Pokemon, we go out to parks a lot more often than before, which the 
kids love.  We went to Nielson's Grove and Mara found this giant rock that looks like a heart!

Swing away!

Melody has a bit of a phobia of slides lately. She will walk around a playground and 
go up and down the stairs, but never go down the slides. So we got Mara to take her.

Now that school is in full swing, the projects have begun. Mara had a diorama about 
an Indian tribe. She even used some of dad's extra Mini-mates! It was pretty cool.

She watches movies in the funniest of places.

One day we headed down to the park at the Library for play group, but Melody 
didn't last long on the playground, hence the no slide thing, and we found 
ourselves at the rose garden. She ran around that thing for so long and loved it.

We've been trying to introduce her to different movies and especially 
new princesses. She really liked Brave and watched quite a few times in a row.

We went to North Park to play, but she wandered over to the splash 
pad. Sadly she didn't have a suit on, but she liked looking at it.

I was lying down on the couch at Mana's house and she came over to snuggle with me. 

We were finally able to pick up Jaina's new glasses. She was so excited 
about this and wears them all the time. I love this girl and how unique she it.