

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Early April - Spring Break

Jaina had to draw a picture of Daniel Tiger for her teacher Mrs. Eckhardt. 
He kinda looks like Winnie the Pooh to me.

We got a great deal on some Kids Edition Kindles for Jaina and Melody. 
Mel really enjoys playing with it. She calls is her DS, because Jaina 
talked about her Nintendo DS for so long, so Melody thinks that's what it is.

This particular day, Melody didn't want to get dressed, she wanted to wear her penguins all 
day, and since we had no where to go, I was good with it. Also, she really likes to eat Corn Dogs lately.

Pat had a Mission Reunion in Salt Lake on April 1st. It was great to 
see some good friends from the mission and catch up with them.

Pat, Steve Eastland & Max Gruber

Pat and Ethan Garfolo

President & Sister Williams

We decided to sell this little chair, it was barely used and got in the way 
a lot, so I had to get a picture of Melody in it before it was gone.

Melody really likes to play with Play-Dough and she got Xander and Jaina to 
play with her. It was really cute! I love when they all play happily together.

We were watching an episode of Star Wars Rebels and Melody snuggled up with Pat for a good 
while to watch. This made his day!!  As she gets older, she doesn't snuggle as much anymore. 

Mara left her door open and Melody was able to get into her room. 
She found Mara's jewelry box and had to put ALL of it on! 

We had dessert night at Grandma & Grandpa Tolman's house. Melody was super happy about the donuts.

It was the start of Spring Break and we headed over to the 
park. It was a little chilly but we had fun anyway.

This was a rare sight to see, Xander and Jaina getting along!! 
They were both playing games and chillin on the couch together.

Melody loves looking at pictures and especially the calendar.

Our 14th Anniversary was on the 5th of April. To celebrate we took 
the kids to Brick Oven for dinner. That is where we had our wedding luncheon.

The next day we celebrated by going to the temple. It was the first time 
being able to serve in the new Provo City Center Temple. This building is so 
beautiful and it was a great experience being there with the man that I love.

Mara's birthday was approaching and since it was Spring Break we asked her 
what she wanted to do, and she picked going swimming at the Provo Rec Center.

It was fun to be there together, but it was a bit crowded. I loved that 
I could use my Christmas present again, my waterproof camera.

Melody liked to go on the stairs, but didn't like all the water falling. 
She also is really weary of slides, unless it's the one in our backyard.

But Jaina loves the slides and getting wet. I think this is her happy place.

We grabbed some lunch on the way home from McDonald's. I love that Melody eats cheeseburgers!!

That night we headed over to Nickel Mania for more family fun. It was the first 
time we have ever gone on a Friday night and the fact that it was spring break 
made it really busy. So it wasn't the funnest time, but the kids were still happy.

Pat and I made the big kids watch the little ones so we could play a game together.
Star Trek Voyager The Arcade Game

We had to battle the Borg and we WON!!!!  It was so fun to play it together. 
Now we just need to have a date night there without the kids.