I had planned a cute little blog about Christmas shopping in the high country for today, complete with pictures and funny quotes.......taking you to our local Farmer's Market for crafts day.....
Got up early.....temp was 18......dressed in mannnnnny layers...started out to pick up Mom and good friend, Chris....... we arrived at the market just in time to see the vendors packing up...cause being outside.....it was TOO COLD!!!........well, started to take some pictures...got one and then the batteries in my camera died!! We'll try it again next weekend........
Moving on ......we ran across the street to the local pet store "Happy Tails" and made appointments for all the critters.......Santa Paws is coming and you HAVE to get a picture taken!! Then we checked out the "Emporiam," a back street "Christmas Shop" and then the high light of the day.....LUNCH OUT!!!!
During lunch we compared notes and realized each one of us had to go to the food store sometime that weekend....why not go together?!! To our surprise as we looked at our lists....each list had T-paper, written by our husbands....................here's the question...."What is it with men and T-paper?!
At my house when the last roll can be seen.... it starts........we need t-paper........when are you going to the store? we need t-paper....... you know we are almost out of t-paper and on and on and on.......well this time on Thursday...trying to plan ahead...i checked the bathrooms....2 extra rolls in masterbath.......2 extra rolls in the guestbath....yelled down the stairs to the male child....."How many rolls have you got?".....Male child yelling up the stairs to me....."Three...we're probably gonn'a need some"...(he's his father's child).......OK....I think we can last until Saturday or Sunday...unless some horrible stomach ailment hits the house......THEN.....WAIT....on the list...a written reminder!!.....T-paper.........
Three women....three list.....three husbands with the need of t-paper......between us we have almost 100 years of married life and none of us could answer......."What is it with men and t-paper?"......
Soooo, being the good little homemakers that we are....we went to the store and each bought the 24 pack!!!
Maybe it'll last till next weekend......................................brboomer