Well.......turned out i was having an asthma attach brought on by my allergies and the unexpected change in the weather Wednesday night.......
Thanks to everyone that sent me "get well wishes".....it's nice to know others were thinking about me!!
Went back to bed and slept until 11:00.....them threw some vegetable-beef soup into the crock pot and settled on the couch for the rest of the afternoon ...
Not a lot accomplished yesterday....but...i'm breathing much better today and ventured out to work......
I'll never forget where i was on 9/11.......at work in the school district main headquarters.....the day had just gotten underway, when word came of the first plane crash...we hurried to a co-worker's work space..to turn on her 6" TV she used for watching the "soaps" on her lunch hour .... 25-30 of us crowded around speculating on what we had just seen on the "Today" show...
When Dorothy, a girl from Purchasing said...."I'll call my son...he works in the second tower....he'll know what's happening"...and off she went......as we continued to watch, we could hear her talking in the background........then the second plane appeared on the tiny screen and almost immediately we heard Dorothy yelling her sons name.........the second plane hit on the floor below him........you know the rest......
Pray for the families.....