Wow! I can't believe she's here!!
Addilyn's story begins early Monday morning, March 21, 2011. I was scheduled to be induced a week early ~more of a convenience because of my Mom and Stan's schooling. It was really quiet perfect, it was spring break for my mom and in-between quarters for Stan so he had 2 weeks off.
We reported to the hospital at 6:00 in the morning. I had started feeling a few contractions around 4 that morning, but nothing to bad. While getting the monitors and everything ready to be hooked up to PIT, the nurse said to me, "I thought you were here to be induced?" I told her I was. She pulled a funny face and turned to me and said, "Well, you are already have having some very regular contractions." ~hmm, nothing i would have gone in for~ I was dilated to a 4 and 85% effaced. After talking to the Dr. they decided to stay on track with the induction, I was given an IV and started the PIT at 8:00. A half an hour later Dr. Drake came and broke my water. I was doing really well as the contractions started getting stronger and stronger. At 12:30 I decided that an epidural would be very nice :) they were super quick to come and give it to me, and by 1:00 I was starting to feel really good and got to relaxed for a little while. The nurse came back in to check on me at about 2:10, to see what kind of progress I was making. She was surprised to see a head and immediately called the Dr. I was given very strict instructions NOT to push or even sit up, and to wait for the Dr. to come. When my Dr. got to our room, he went to do some paper work real fast but the nurse told him "you don't have time, this baby is ready!" While he was quickly getting ready he thanked me for waiting so he could do his job. I started to laugh, but then was told to stop. cause he wasn't ready to catch yet. Once he was ready, he asked if I was ready to have a baby. I told him I'd better be cause here she comes....that was at 2:30. As I was stitting up getting ready for my first push, my Dr. told me to stop... she's here! Stan cut the umbilical cord at 2:31!
Addilyn Rose Gillett weighed 7 lb 7 oz and 20 inches long.
She is so sweet and so precious, we fell in love with her the instant we saw her beautiful face!