Well here is a long update on us.......
Dec. 4th
we went with our friends Chris, Mindi & their son Riley and delivered a Christmas tree and decorations to a family that lives in our ward boundries. Then afterwards we got some hot chocolate and went to look at the Temple lights. We always love going to the christmas lights.

Dec. 9th
my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and nephew came in town from New york and we celebrated our christmas eve with brandon's family a little early. we all went out to dinner to julio j's. brandon and i miss tanner, erin, and davis. it was fun to see them. Davis is getting so big. here are some pics of the fam that night.

Dec. 10th
So my girlfriends and i get together every month for icecream and celebrate the birthdays for the month. well this month is my birthday and 3 other of my friends. so we all met up at this great frozen yogurt place on valvista and baseline in dana landing, called ocean blue. i highly recomend it. anyway we all just get together and talk and laugh and have a great time. here we all are..

Dec. 12th
so today was the last day thet tanner and erin were in town so we went to lunch with them and just hung out we had fun at lunch we went to olive garden

Dec. 14th
My cousin satchel turned 12 on 12-12-12 this year and we went up to prescott valley this weekend because he got ordained to be a decon. we are so excited and proud of him. here is a pic of him and my grandpa.

Dec 18th
Skousen Christmas party
We all got together and ate the traditional french dip sandwich and played throw the ping pong thru santas mouth game. And then we read Luke 2 and sing christmas songs. it was very fun. DJ and i had fun making faces at each person as they tried to throw the ping pong ball. we were tying to distract them so we would win. we are such goofballs.

Dec. 19th
We went our clifford family christmas party. we had a pot luck dinner and desert. we had a short program. each family had a part. then we played some games. it was great. here are a couple pics 

Dec. 20th
We went to the ASU vs. BYU Basketball game at the university of Phx stadium in Glendale. it was fun. here are some pics...