Sunday, December 21, 2008

December Where did you go?

I know i am not te only one that somehow the world skipped a few weeks and we missed the month of December;>

Well here is a long update on us.......

Dec. 4th

we went with our friends Chris, Mindi & their son Riley and delivered a Christmas tree and decorations to a family that lives in our ward boundries. Then afterwards we got some hot chocolate and went to look at the Temple lights. We always love going to the christmas lights.
Dec. 9th

my brother-in-law and sister-in-law and nephew came in town from New york and we celebrated our christmas eve with brandon's family a little early. we all went out to dinner to julio j's. brandon and i miss tanner, erin, and davis. it was fun to see them. Davis is getting so big. here are some pics of the fam that night.

Dec. 10th

So my girlfriends and i get together every month for icecream and celebrate the birthdays for the month. well this month is my birthday and 3 other of my friends. so we all met up at this great frozen yogurt place on valvista and baseline in dana landing, called ocean blue. i highly recomend it. anyway we all just get together and talk and laugh and have a great time. here we all are..

Dec. 12th

so today was the last day thet tanner and erin were in town so we went to lunch with them and just hung out we had fun at lunch we went to olive garden

Dec. 14th

My cousin satchel turned 12 on 12-12-12 this year and we went up to prescott valley this weekend because he got ordained to be a decon. we are so excited and proud of him. here is a pic of him and my grandpa.
Dec 18th

Skousen Christmas party

We all got together and ate the traditional french dip sandwich and played throw the ping pong thru santas mouth game. And then we read Luke 2 and sing christmas songs. it was very fun. DJ and i had fun making faces at each person as they tried to throw the ping pong ball. we were tying to distract them so we would win. we are such goofballs.

Dec. 19th

We went our clifford family christmas party. we had a pot luck dinner and desert. we had a short program. each family had a part. then we played some games. it was great. here are a couple pics

Dec. 20th

We went to the ASU vs. BYU Basketball game at the university of Phx stadium in Glendale. it was fun. here are some pics...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanx Giving Weekend

Brandon and I had a great thanxgiving weekend.

It started with the Turkey Trot. A 10k(6mi.) run. We had a great time. we realized it is not a smart idea to try and run a 10k when you havent run for 4 years! so we made it about 3 1/2 mi. then stopped. We walked back to the finnish and cheered on the rest of our family as they finished. I am pretty embarrased that i used to run 5- 10 mi. a day and now i can barely run a couple miles.

then we had dinner at my aunt's house. there was way too much food. we were all stuffed and there were tonz of leftovers. Nobody can beat my Grandpas smoked turkey. it was amazing!

My mom Lisa and I went to Michaels after we ate for some thanksgiving doorbuster's. We got some good deals. then we went home.


yes my mom and i went out shopping early. We acctually shopped for 14 hours. Yes we are Crazy but it was very fun and we got some great deals.

Here is all the stuff we got.

I hope you all had a great thanxgiving!

Monday, November 24, 2008

twilight Fans!!!

Bella's Bracelet!!
For all the many twilight fans out there i am selling bella's bracelet. please use the link on the side and visit my jewelry blog to see pictures and details. You can contact me via email or a comment if you are interested.
*They make great Christmas gifts!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pics of our Condo!

okay so this is long overdue and there are a couple people who have been waiting to see pics of our new place. so here are pics of the kitchen and living room. my craft room is a disaster right now because i am planning an enrichment activity so i will take a pic of that another day.

i still have to buy a mirror kit to hang up my big mirror over the couch but whatever. this gives you the idea.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Craft Room

okay so i dont think i posted anything about Bandon and I moving out of our apartment and into his Brothers condo. so anyway we moved and now we have a 3 bedroom place. which we love all the space!!! Brandon has "The Den" as he calls it, and i have "The Craft Room" which up until yesterday has been more of the crap room. ;>
I am very excited i was driving home from Joann's Fabric getting things for my latest project and i there was a garage sale on the side of the road. i glanced over and saw the mst amazing hutch. so of course i pulled a U-Turn. I asked them how much this hutch was and they told me $30 fr the set it also came with a little side table. So long story short i hurried home got Brandon went to the ATM and got my hutch. here it is....

i am so excited it finnishes off this room so perfectly. and now it is a true craft room.


Yes that is me sitting in a Lamborghini. and brandon standing next to a Lamborghini.

Ok so here is the story......

So my cousin Alyssa just got married. Her and her husband met up at BYU. The story goes that their first conversation was over a Car and Driver magazine. So my uncle knew some people with some very cool cars and so he surprised Alyssa nad Tyler with a lawn full of cars at their reception. it was pretty crazy.

Anyway i was lucky enough to get to sit in the Lamborghini and take my picture.

Monday, September 8, 2008

3 year anniversary Trip

Sedona, Flagstaff, Urgent Care, Grand Canyon, Pine, Home.

Brandon planned a surprise trip for us to go up north. it was very fun. we had a few set backs though. i got very sick.

We left on Friday afternoon. we drove through sedona just to see what it was like . neither Brandon or i have been there. it was so pretty. we are already wanting to plan another trip to go back. here are some pics..

then we went to flagstaff where we stayed at the little america Hotel it was very nice. here are some pictures of our room. we had a forest view it is definitely a place we will go back to.

we went to dinner at Brandy's Restaurant( it was very good.there was so much food we couldn't eat it all.

the next morning we had breakfast delivered to our room b/c i wasn't feeling very well i had a fever the night before etc.. our food was very good. here we are eating bfast. we are such dorks;)

we got ready and checked out of the hotel and headed up to the Grand Canyon. just as we got outside of flagstaff my back really started to hurt. we stopped in Williams because there was no way i could make a 2hr drive to the Grand canyon. we are so lucky we found an urgent care and we found out i had a kidney infection. the dr gave me antibiotics and pain meds to get through the weekend.

after our little detour we were ff to the G.C. here are some of our pics. the 1st few i look terrible b/c the meds haven't quite kicked in yet. by the end of our G.C. trip i could smile.

we took the scenic route through the grand canyon then we drove back through flagstaff and down to our cabin in Pine. where we stayed the night at grandma and grandpas. i was still pretty sick so it was nice to have grandma there to take care f me. she is very good at doing that. thanks grandma your the best. don't get me wrong Brandon is a good Dr but gmas have a special touch.

that was the end of our trip. we drove home Sunday afternoon.

Despite all our little set backs with me being sick we had a great trip. i still can't believe we have been married for 3 years. I Love Brandon so much and am so grateful for him.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day Weekend!

We had a fun weekend on saturday we went to a surprise party for my mom's best friend & my second mom Joann! she was very surprised. it was fun.
Happy Birthday JoAnn!

After the party we drove up to our cabin. on our way up we almost hit an elk. the stupid thing was standing in the middle of the road and wouldn't move. i am just glad i wasn't driving because it scared the crap out of me. that was the highlight of the drive along with singing disney songs;) Brandonn is a great singer ;)
here are some pics of our fun weekend
McKell playing dress up

brandon playing dress up with the girls

;) Brad and Mindy relaxing under the tree watching the dress up fashion show.