Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sore feet

We went shopping this saturday.  Jackson, Chloe and Claire needed new shoes.  Lexie got to stay home with Grandma and Grandpa.  We were getting ready to go, trying to round up flip flops.  Chloe let Claire wear a pair of hers that Claire particularly likes.  Both girls were happy.  We were off!  Good success everyone was happy.  Towards the end of the day Claire's feet were being rubbed a little raw by the flip flops. Chloe heard Claire say her feet hurt and without hesistating took off her flip flops and had Claire switch with her.  Pretty typical behavior for these cuties.  I love being their mom. 

Monday, June 7, 2010

Jackson's Blog

My son Jackson has started a blog.  It's um... interesting.  You should check it out:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jackson's 1st grade Christmas Program

Jackson had a first grade Christmas program this year.  It was awesome.  Jackson had the best dance moves out there.  Really!  I have pictures to prove it.
Check it out:

Here's Mr J saying his part in the program and someone was a no show, so he ended up having to do their part too.  He did great!
Some of you may have heard, but there is a little girl with a serious crush on Jackson.  She has given him little "love" letters all year long.  (I kept finding them in his backpack).  Then at the end of the year, much to his dismay, she plotted to KISS him.  He told me it didn't work, she only got to his ear.  Way to stay strong Jax!
Anyway, She's standing to the left of him, if any of you are curious.

Christmas Pictures

We had these pictures taken by a friend in our ward starting up a photography business.  Just thought I would post a few.  She got some great ones of our kids individually.  Despite her best efforts my family would not all look at the camera at the same time without one making a seriously weird face.  Ahhh the joys of little children!





Did I mention it was like 20 degrees out when we took the picture?  Talk about waiting to the last minute. 

And FINALLY the actual Christmas picture we sent:

We sent this card out to many, not everyone because I lost a bunch of addresses.  I am sorry to those who did not get this awesome picture.  About a month later my Papa Stan pointed out to me that Claire had mutated since last he saw her...
Whoops!  Merry Christmas!

Back to blogging - November :)

I am trying to play catch up on my blogging so some of these posts will be older.  My first laptop died sometime at the end of last summer.  :(  Brandon gave me a new one in November.  Which promptly died in January... Luckily still under warranty.  I have had it back for several months.  And I do have a desktop upstairs... The task of back blogging seemed rather daunting... But I am going to tackle it. 

Here are some pictures of last thanksgiving.  We were able to spend it in American Falls with Brandon's Grandpa Rudd and Grandma Alice.

Grandma Alice and Grandpa Rudd                                                             

Lexie LOVING her sierra mist

Grandpa Rudd and Grandpa Stace

 Brandon, Lexie and Claire`
Sharon and Claire 


Sharon and Chloe

Jackson, Preston and Uncle Larry


Jackson's Story:
Jackson went out with Preston, Larry and Grandpa Rudd to check some calves.  At this ranch they had some goats.  I guess jackson was complaining he wanted out of the car.  They asked Jackson if he wanted to get out of the truck and see the goats.  Jackson said "yes."  So off he went to see the goats who immediately went to greet Jackson... well not so much greet but chase him!  jackson ran for the car -  they wouldn't let him in at first.  I guess they decided he needed a little toughening up.  After a little pleading they finally let him back in the car.  According to the men it was quite entertaining.

I must add Preston was awesome with Jackson.  He let Jackson drag him everywhere and I am guessing Jackson talked Preston's ears off.

Lexie and Sharon getting ready to go!
  Sharon bought beads for the girls.
It was a huge hit!
Lexie, Erica, Chloe, Claire and Ivy


Happy Thanksgiving 09'

Friday, August 21, 2009


Yesterday morning I was making breakfast. I asked the kids "Who wants a piece of bacon?" They all start saying, "Me me me me me me" Very loudly as if they drowned out the other sibling they would get theirs first. I had 3 pieces in my hand and handed them to the older children. Lexie had joined the "me" chorus and when I had turned around to go get her piece of bacon she thought she wasn't going to get any. So she starts shrieking "ME ME ME ME!!!" and at one last attempt she screams her name "LEXIE!!!!" I didn't even know she knew how to say her name. No one has ever heard her say it but apparently all she needed was the right motivation.


Last night Jackson was in the shower, and I called to him, "Jackson, are you done yet?" He says, "Yes, I am done." I started to tease him and said, "What? You're Dumb?" Jackson says, "NO! I am DONE!" I asked again "You're dumb?" Jackson then says, "No MOM, I am done!!! D-U-N!"
"Oh okay..."