I wanted to make at least one Halloween decoration this year but with being so busy making things for baby boy I wasn't sure if I would get to it. I am proud to say that I did finish this witches shoe last week!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
I've been making LOTS of stuff for Baby Boy!!
Car Seat Cover
Suspender Onesies
Tie Onesies
Crib Set (top blanket)
Crib Set (throw blanket)
BYU Fleece Tied Blanket
Minky Giraffe Blanket - very soft!
Crib Set (bumpers)
Nursing Cover
Wipe Case
Binky Clips
Crayon Roll
My favorite curtains!!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
House Update
Our house is really coming along. It should be finished on or before December 11th. The baby is due December 31st.... Which will come first?? We hope the house!
Halloween Festivities
When I brought up Halloween festivities this year Brandon was really not excited. So I decided for each Monday night in the month of October we would do something festive together for Family Home Evening. The first Monday we made Halloween sugar cookies, frosted and decorated them. Brandon was such a good sport and helped with every single step.
The second Monday we carved pumpkins with some friends here in Tri-Cities. Brandon did convince me to only buy one pumpkin, as he said he would clean it if I carved it.
The third Monday we made homemade apple cider and caramel popcorn and just enjoyed relaxing and watching a show together.
Next Monday... plan our Halloween costumes??
Baby Shower in Moscow, ID
I don't have the pictures yet that were taken with the lovely women who put my shower together a few weeks ago in Moscow, ID but I do have some pictures of the decor that I thought I might post. I had a great time at this event and really appreciate all of the girls that came and made me feel special on this day!
What We've Been Up To
So far October has been a pretty crazy month for us. A lot of times people will ask me what I do all day since I am not working right now. I am staying busy with photography, cutting vinyl, Young Womens, spending time with family, preparing for our little guy to come and working on lots of different projects. Every day I find myself frantically trying to get things done, but life is good.
A couple of weekends ago we were in Moscow, ID for my baby shower there and I put my cap and gown on for a quick picture next to the Education Building at the University of Idaho. I graduated with my Masters in Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership just this last spring but was unable to make it to the graduation ceremony because that was shortly after we got pregnant and I was just out of the hospital from the overstimulation of the fertility treatment and feeling very miserable.
My brother Stewart's cross country meets are now over but is was fun for me to be able to see three of them this fall. I really love cross country and each time I go to watch, I get this burning urge to run a 5k. I was reminded of my love for running several times while watching him run. I just wanted to run with him!
Last weekend I went and did a pedicure with my friend Brynn, up in Moscow. It was nice to get my toes painted, since now I have a hard time reaching them. I hope to be able to do one more pedicure right before the baby comes to get my toes all pretty. The place we went to did a hot stone massage as well and that was really nice!
Last Friday we went to Disney on Ice here in the Tri-Cities. I was pretty excited because it was the first event I have been to in a long time... well, I guess since I have been pregnant. The show was definitely catered to the young crowd but I really enjoyed watching the performers. My favorite was watching the couples skate. Below is a picture of the horse in Tangled. Two people were skating in this costume. Pretty crazy!!
Last night we took a quick venture over to Walla Walla after Brandon got off work to do applesauce with my family. I think we were all pretty tired when we were getting started. But we pushed through and got lots of applesauce made. Making applesauce is one of those traditions I will never forget as a young girl. Dad was always so crazy and singing songs, trying to entertain us to keep up working on the job. Now, he is not so crazy anymore but I still love him just the same.
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