Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's been awhile...

First of all, I do have to admit that I have been absolutely horrible about commenting on people's blogs lately. Things have been crazy around here and I haven't really updated our blog much either. But, we are doing well. Brandon keeps quite busy as he manages to juggle a job (assistantship), school (fulltime), his calling (Elder's Quorum President), and time with me (and time visiting my family). I have been very busy at work. This time of year is the busiest at work for me. It is a challenge but fortunately nothing that I am not able to handle in the end.

This last week I had a really challenging experience as one of my coworkers got really upset at me and clearly lost his temper. I had never experienced this before and it really kind of shook me up. It is has been on my mind a lot and will take me awhile to get over. However, I know that I did not do anything wrong and so I need to be at peace. It has sure taught me that no matter what, nothing is worth losing your temper so bad for you to take it out on someone else.

We hope everyone is doing well!

Sarah (and Brandon)

Snug as a Bug - Baby Shower

These are just some fun pictures of a baby shower that me and my friend, Melissa threw for one of our friends, Ashley. The theme was "Snug as a Bug" and it was really fun for me to plan and execute with Melissa. She and I were a great team. Those dragonfly cupcakes up there are definitely her creation. Arn't they amazing?! The pictures below are from a fun game that we played where the party attendees stuffed balloons under their shirt and raced to tie both of their shoelaces while bent over (without popping their balloons).