Monday, March 4, 2013

Mason - 8 weeks

I feel totally disorganized with my photos of Mason.  Most of them are on my phone and there are a handful coming from both my nice camera and Brandon's little point and shoot.  So I will probably end up posting them in no particular order.  We continue to try to do more little photo shoots with this guy.  He absolutely hates them and usually gets really irritated.  So I spend the majority of the time trying to sooth him and get him happy again so we can take a shot at getting at least one or two good photos.  I find babies at this age (8 weeks) extremely difficult to photograph.  But I know I won't regret trying to practice my photography on him when I look back in years to come.

I think he's got my eyes and Brandon's mouth.  What do you think?

Backyard Fence

We are starting work on our backyard and hiring most of it out.  However, Brandon did spend all of last Saturday working to put up part of our fence.  He also (with the help of my grandfather), made all of the wooden boards you see.  We are getting so excited to have our own backyard space, garden, play area, yard, etc.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Fun Church Outfit

My Aunt Lueana gave Mason this adorable church outfit.  We love it!  

The boys

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mason's Baby Blessing

Mason McKay Ritchie was blessed in our home on the evening of Saturday, January 19th.  It was just our parents and some other family that attended.  I am so grateful for the Priesthood power and that Brandon could give our little man a blessing.  He did a beautiful job.

My brother Blake (above) is now in Africa serving a two year mission for our church.  I miss him already!! 

Brandon's parents 

Sarah's parents 

 Our sweet little man

Three generations

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Mason's Newborn Photo Shoot

Photos taken by Charlene Hardy Photography

Mason's First Couple of Weeks

Grandma Rowley gave him his first sponge bath. 

Life was a bit crazy during the first weeks of Mason's life.  We were still living in our apartment in Kennewick and shortly thereafter found out that we had to be out of our unit.  So we had a week where everything we owned was packed into three trailers and waiting to be moved into our new home.  Paperwork finally processed for our home and we were so grateful to my parents for letting us live with them for that interim week that we had.  It was a stressful time for both Brandon and I, as we did not know what to expect, I was recovering and we were living in such limbo but we survived it all.  I am still recovering from Mason's birth and it feels like I will never have a day where I don't hurt so bad I am on pain pills but I am trying to be patient and have faith. 

The Day We Welcomed Sweet Mason Into Our World

Everyone has a birth story and somehow they always seem to turn out really long.  So to spare you some time, I will just summarize in a nutshell.  My water broke in the middle of the night on Dec. 27th.  Eighteen hours later, I still was not having very strong contractions.  They started me on the pitocin and still 6 hours later, I was not having strong enough contractions.  At this point, we were talking possible C-section.  However, I had a priesthood blessing and the doctor inserted a device to monitor the intensity of my contractions and another device to monitor the babies heart rate more precisely so that they could try to safely increase the doses of pitocin to give it one last try before doing a C-section.  Minutes after the blessing, I started to feel some pretty strong contractions, received my epidural and in 2 hours went from a 2 to a 9.5.  They held me at a 9.5 for 5 hours because Mason had been under some stress from such a fast drop in pressure and progression.  I pushed for two hours and was exhausted so they had to get the forceps out and pull him out.  Mason was born at 4:34 a.m. on December 29, 2012 and weighed in at 6 lbs. 13.1 oz.  He measured 21 inches long.

After Mason was out, my placenta would not come out so the doctor had to perform a D&C surgery which put me in surgery for a good hour and a half after the delivery.  I did not get to hold Mason until the next day because I was shaking horribly right after the delivery and then everything from then until the next morning is a total blur to me.  I was really sad I could not hold and nurse my baby right after the delivery (as I had imagined I would have been able to do) but that is ok.  I definitely was not in great condition at that point.  I am grateful for all of the modern-day tools and medicines that made it possible for me to deliver Mason.  Had I lived back in the day, I may never had had this opportunity, let alone survived through it.  We feel so blessed.

Christmas Memories

We spent Christmas in Walla Walla this year, as I was so close to having our little boy Mason and did not want to take any chances.  The top picture is all of us (except my sister Sharon and her family) dressed up in the nativity costumes that my mom made a few years ago.  The bottom picture is one that I requested.  All of my brothers were together and I don't know when the next time will be that that will happen so I made sure to get a picture of them.  I love them all so much.  I really love having 5 brothers.  I mean, I love my 3 sisters too but there is just something about brothers that makes life so fun.  I am so glad that we had a baby boy.  I am going to have a blast with him, especially when he gets older.  I hope he stays forever a mamas boy.

Our New Home

I have lots to catch up on the blog.  So we'll start with our new house (that we are FINALLY in).  The pictures are not the greatest but they will work!  We would love to have you come and visit us!!


dining area 

small office (just off to the right when you walk in our front door) 

front entry room 

 living room

master bathroom (upstairs) 

master bedroom (upstairs) 

full bathroom (upstairs) 
There is a half bath on the main floor that I did not take a picture of to post. 

my craft room (upstairs)

walk-in craft supplies closet (I know, I am spoiled!)

laundry room (upstairs) 

guest room (upstairs) 

Mason's room (upstairs)