Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kirtland, OH

So after we went to Wicked we drove up to Kirtland, OH to do a tour of the temple and Newel K Whitney Store. It was crazy the difference you felt between the temple not owned by the church and the Whitney store which was. We were able to get some family photos with my tripod and remote and thanks to the sister missionaries for some help! We had a ton of fun and it was so beautiful and peaceful and relaxing. Sorry family it's taken so long!

Monday, September 6, 2010


So this summer my parents flew us all out to Columbus, Ohio where my brother and sister-in-law live to have a family reunion. It was a blast seeing my family, I loved every minute! One of my favorite things we did was go to Wicked. It was AMAZING!!!! Beautiful costumes, stage, music, actresses, actors, everything! We had 3rd row seats and I was so grateful for my mom and dad for paying the extra to get us up close because it was an experience of a lifetime! We traded off babysitting that is why my mom and dad and sister Lisa and her hubby are not in my pictures :( They went a different night! I snuck the pictures inside of the dragon, decor, and emerald city . Cameras were not allowed and I had to put mine away after those pictures. The theater was so amazing and these pictures only gave a taste of what it looked like!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Palmyra Day 2

We went to the Printing Press that printed the Book of Mormon. What a neat experience to hear all that went into printing the Book of Mormon. It was not easy for them, they suffered so many trials and persecutions, and the process took them so long, yet they came out triumphant and rose above the persecutions to bring forth this book which I cherish and am so grateful for. We visited both Joseph Smith's framed and log house. It was so beautiful there and so peaceful. You could feel the spirit all around to each site we visited.

I can't remember the numbers but the Smith's harvested the Maple from all the maple trees in the forests around and made sugar and maple syrup.