Sunday, November 7, 2010

We have had a busy few months... trying to find a "normal" routine again. I'm not sure we ever will! We have been loving our "Little Mac", "Mac-a-B", "Mac Attack" & my favorite "Macaroon" ... you name it.. he has picked up a few nick names. He is a special little boy!
He was blessed in October on a beautiful fall day. We were so glad to have our family with us.
My boys... kinda cute aren't they?
Best friends... Eli & Allie have a special little bond. They are both ready for school, Eli is in afternoon kindergarten & Allie goes to pre-school twice a week. So they get to spend their mornings together.
Over UEA we took the kids to SLC for a little R&R... it was gorgeous weather, we went to the zoo & hung out. The kids had a blast, it was nice to get out of town!
Eli is always so great to help out if I need him. He is very gentle & patient with Mac. They are already best buddies. Eli loves to lay by him & play with him. I love watching them together.
I have spent hours trying to get a smile on camera... Mac has finally started grinning & cooing & as soon as he see's a camera, he's all serious. What a little bug! Trust me, his smile will melt you in an instant... I will get proof!
My girls... Miss Kitty & Pocahontas... they were ready to go the little Halloween carnival at Maddie's school, while dad & Eli were at wrestling.
Halloween... it was a bit drizzly, but they had a good time & got enough candy to last all year! Mac wasn't hip on his costume.. but dang he was cute!

Seriously... can I have those lashes? Aunt Heather bought him this cute little hat...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Our little Mac

We got our little Mac on August 21 at 11:28am. He was 6lbs, 9oz & 19 1/2" long.
He is the new little brother to very proud siblings, Maddie, Eli & Allie.
He has a very laid back personality, at least so far!
We had to get a pic of Mac in Grandpa's cowboy hat... he fit pretty good!
He is such a sweetie, he doesn't get put down too often... already spoiled & very, very loved!
He gets worn out from all the love!
We are so happy to have him here...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Maddie, Maddie, Maddie!

Maddie has had a busy month! She turned 8 years old this year & had a great birthday. She took a few friends glo-in-the-dark bowling & for pizza. They had a great time, I also took alot of fun pics, but later realized I didn't have a disk in my camera! Ugh! So sorry Maddie, your fabulous 8th birthday wasn't recorded too well! We got a few pics at Grandma's house later, she saved the day!
She got some fun things for her birthday, she is growing up & it's getting harder to think of fun things she'll enjoy. It is a hard realization for me that my baby girl is becoming a beautiful young lady... no more barbie's & babies for her!
Madelyn was baptized on May 1st. It was such a special event for our family. We kept it short & sweet, as there was a major dance recital for alot of our friends & family right after. This is her cousin, Emily. We had great support from our family & there was a special spirit present. I am very proud of Maddie, she is such a good girl & a great example in our family.
We weren't able to get a lot of pics of our family because of the rush afterwards, but here she is with my sisters, Val, Whitney & Heather. Maddie's aunts have always made Maddie a special part of their lives... & of course spoiled the heck out of her!
Madelyn & her dad, they are so much alike in many ways! I am so thankful Branden was able to baptize our daughter. He is such a good dad & does alot for our family!
Maddie looked so pretty in her new dress & got some new jewelry & things to remind her of her special day.
My two little princesses all ready for church.
It finally stopped raining long enough to get atleast a glimpse of the pretty tulips that are in full bloom... of course the kids are always fun to look at too!
It's been a crazy week, but well worth it! Congrats Maddie!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eli's 5th Birthday!

Eli turned 5 years old on April 12. He had a birthday party with his friends on Saturday. It was an adventure with 6 little boys. They were so cute & fun to have. My sister made his "moto-cross" cake. We had a few complications, but overall it was great!
Not the prettiest, but it was edible, I promise... and the little boys were very impressed!

They played outside & we played some party games... they are funny boys.
The pinata was a hit with everyone!

Little posers!
Eli got a new bike, without training wheels. I think Branden was more excited about it, it's a BMX racer or something & "totally awesome!"
Eli was pretty excited, too bad it was raining outside, he is ready to get rid of training wheels this year. He had a fun day, he is such a funny little guy! I just love him!