Well, most of our snow had melted and we did enjoy some milder temperatures over the weekend, but this morning we woke to this...
Okay, winter...you brought us cold temps and snow early in December...spring is two days away. Can you please pack up and go away...I'll be happy to see you again next season, but now I am ready to get digging in my gardens and watching my boys participate in baseball and triathlons.
Other than what seemed like endless cold, snow and snow~days home from school, there has been little excitement around here. I am getting the paperwork routine down at work and have finished 12 more hours of training. Only twelve more to reach 43hours and then I will be done with the training!
I received a sweet surprise from Priscilla. I had loaned her a chart to use and in return, she sent me this wonderful scarf.
Perfect for the cold winter days and for my purple sweater!!
Then I had an idea. The early spring and late fall ball games can sometimes be quite chilly. I asked if it would be possible to make a scarf with a baseball instead of the flower. And bingo ~ look what she came up with! I ordered a couple to give as gifts to other baseball moms.
Thanks so much, Priscilla ~ I hope you don't mind, I borrowed the picture you sent me. The first tournament is this weekend and provided the fields are ready to play, I will be sporting my new scarf!
There hasn't been much stitching. This is my most recent project..I have more done than is shown here and really need to get back to it. There is not to much more to do ~ and it is my stress relief...
In other news, my older two boys both made their school baseball teams.
The little guy has been working on his swimming in prep for the triathlons he wants to do ~ looking forward to seeing how he does with those!!
I asked for a new toilet for our powder room...my husband never does anything small...before I knew it, we were picking out paint colors and new fixtures..
It is hard to get a good picture of the paint color. It is a really pretty grey/green. Love it! Now if I can only keep the boys out of there!
The biggest news is that Panzer turned two!! Hard to believe!!
We are so blessed to have him in our lives...
“When I was One,
I had just begun.
When I was Two,
I was nearly new."
I had just begun.
When I was Two,
I was nearly new."
― A.A. Milne, Now We Are Six